Campbell hamster on grass

Can Hamsters Eat Potatoes? The Risks You Need To Know!

Regardless of which part of the world you hail from, chances are that you would like potatoes in one of these forms – Roasted, baked, mashed or as French fries, chips, or croquettes. Potatoes are so tasty that humans, especially children, cannot resist them. But what about hamsters? Can hamsters eat potatoes? Read this blog post to find out. 

The nutritional content of potato

Potato is a low-calorie vegetable and is nutritionally dense. 100 grams of potatoes contain:

Nutrients in 100g of potato
Nutrients in 100g of potato

Are potatoes poisonous?

Potatoes belong to the family of plants called Solanaceae. Plants in this family contain toxic compounds called solanine and chaconine. Just like the other members of this species, potato plants also contain these toxic compounds. These toxic chemicals are more concentrated in the leaves, flowers, and sprouts of the potato plant and less concentrated in the tuber (potato itself). Thus they help protect these plants from herbivores.

But even though the concentration of these harmful chemicals is far less in the potato itself when compared to the other parts of the potato plant, wild potatoes contain enough amounts of these toxins to cause diarrhea, cramps, headaches, and, in severe cases, even coma and death. However, cultivated varieties of potatoes don’t contain that large amount of these toxins. So, poisoning due to eating cultivated potatoes is very rare.

But the way potatoes are stored can also make them poisonous because age, moisture, physical damage, and exposure to light can increase the concentration of these toxins. But cooking reduces the concentration of these toxins, albeit only partly. 

A picture of potatoes

Can hamsters eat potatoes?

Hamsters are omnivorous by nature. In the wild, they eat seeds, grains, roots, vegetables, and, occasionally, some insects. So, hamsters can eat potatoes.

Potatoes can be a little confusing for pet owners because humans eat cooked potatoes, whereas hamsters eat raw vegetables and fruits. But raw potatoes can contain toxic compounds. So, it is better to understand how to offer potatoes to hamsters. 

Health benefits of eating potatoes

A rich source of vitamins and minerals

Potatoes are a rich source of vitamins C and B6 and a decent source of Vitamin A

Vitamin C helps the tissues in our body grow, develop, and repair themselves. It also strengthens the immune system and plays a role in healing wounds and keeping the bones, teeth, and cartilage healthy (Source: WebMD). 

Vitamin B6 keeps the brain, nervous, and immune systems healthy (Source: Mayo Clinic).

Vitamin A is needed for the proper functioning of various organs and systems in the body, like the eyes, heart, lungs, immune system, and reproductive system. 

Potatoes are also a rich source of potassium and manganese. Potassium helps keep the amounts of fluids in our cells within healthy levels. It also keeps the blood pressure under check and helps the muscles contract (Source: Harvard School of Public Health). Manganese plays a major role in the formation of tissues, bones, and sex hormones. It is also required for carbohydrate and fat metabolism and keeps blood sugar within healthy levels. 

A good source of resistant starch

Starch is usually digested and absorbed in the small intestine. However, resistant starch is not digested there. Instead, it goes to the large intestine undigested and feeds the good bacteria there. Resistant starch has several positive effects on the body, including improving the body’s insulin sensitivity and helping control blood sugar levels.

Potatoes are a good source of resistant starch. Potatoes that have been cooked and then let to cool down contain higher amounts of resistant starch than raw potatoes. Moreover, cooking degrades the antinutrients in raw potatoes and kills harmful bacteria.

A good source of antioxidants

Like many other fruits and vegetables, potatoes are also a good source of antioxidants. Due to various activities, like breathing, exercising, smoking, etc., harmful chemicals called free radicals are produced in our bodies. These molecules are highly unstable. To become stable, they steal an electron from body cells, altering the DNA inside these cells, which results in chronic diseases like cancer. 

However, antioxidants neutralize these free radicals before they can damage the body cells by providing the extra electron they need. Thus, antioxidants not only prevent chronic diseases but also slow down aging. So, you should sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables every day to stay healthy. 

Potatoes, specifically, are rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acids (Source: Healthline). Purple potatoes contain more antioxidants than white and yellow potatoes (Source: PubMed)

Gluten-free source of starch

Gluten is a protein naturally found in some grains like wheat, rye, etc. It acts as a binding agent, holding food together and giving it a stretchy quality (Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health). But gluten cannot be completely digested by the body. So, undigested gluten makes its way to the small intestine.

For most people, it doesn’t make any difference. But in some people, it can trigger an allergy or an autoimmune response, causing bloating, diarrhea, and headaches. In some people, it can even enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation (Source: John Hopkins Hospital).

But potatoes do not cause any of these problems because they do not contain gluten. So, if your hamster is allergic to gluten, potatoes can be a great alternative source of energy. But make sure you provide your hamster with other nutritional items in addition to potatoes for a wholesome diet.

Prevents overeating

In nutrition, ‘Satiety’ is just the absence of hunger. So, the Satiety Rating of a food item tells you how satisfied you feel after eating it. A highly satiating food will make you feel full sooner, thus preventing overeating, and will keep you full for a longer period of time than a food item with a low Satiety Rating. 

Boiled potatoes have the best Satiety Rating among all common food items. They are almost three times more filling than white bread and seven times more filling than croissants (Source: The Diabetes Mall). Moreover, the potato skin is also rich in fiber, which will not only keep you full for a longer time but keeps your gut and digestive system healthy.

So, potatoes can help prevent your hamster from overeating and keep his weight under check.

Risks associated with eating potatoes

  • Even though potatoes can help keep the weight under check, the way you prepare them matters too. Boiled or steamed potatoes won’t make your hamster obese. But processed potato foods, like potato chips, french fries, etc., can make him obese. It is because they contain more calories due to additives. 
  • Moreover, potatoes can lead to obesity in hamsters if portions are not controlled. Offer a very small portion occasionally as a treat only. You can measure the portion using a small cup before offering.
  • Diabetes risk is also high as potatoes contain starch and sugar that can cause hormonal imbalance in the body of the hamster and can lead to bigger health problems later in life. If your hamster is already suffering from diabetes, potatoes should not be offered to him as it can cause the blood sugar to spike unnaturally. 
  • Indigestion is another risk associated with potatoes if they are not properly cooked. 
  • Choking can happen if the potato pieces are too large, so it is advisable to cut them into small pieces for ease. Hamsters do not know how to vomit, so choking can be fatal for them. 

Can hamsters eat raw potatoes?

Raw potatoes contain poisonous substances, as discussed above. So it is not safe for your hamster. Cooked potatoes, however, can be given to your hamster on an occasional basis. Please make sure that the potatoes are boiled or baked properly and do not contain any seasoning or oil, as these can be dangerous for your hamster and can lead to many illnesses, and can even be fatal if given in large amounts. Also, make sure that the potatoes are not fried, as fried potatoes can also be dangerous if given regularly. 

Different breeds of hamsters vs. potatoes:

Can Chinese dwarf hamsters eat potatoes?

No. Potatoes are not safe for dwarf hamsters as they contain high amounts of starch that can cause obesity and digestive problems. It can even be deadly if given in large amounts, as dwarf hamsters are very small. 

Can Campbell dwarf hamsters eat potatoes?

As stated above, potatoes are dangerous for dwarf hamsters and should be avoided if you have a Campbell dwarf hamster. The risk of toxic infection is high in this breed. Campbell hamsters are also prone to diabetes. So potatoes are best avoided as potatoes also contain sugar. 

Can Russian dwarf hamsters eat potatoes?

No, Russian dwarf hamsters are also dwarf hamsters. So, do not give them potatoes. 

Can Syrian hamsters eat potatoes?

Syrian hamsters love potatoes and can eat large quantities if available. But it is advisable only to offer a limited amount and stick to cooked potatoes. Syrian hamsters are the largest breed of pet hamsters, so they are able to digest potatoes easily as compared to dwarf hamsters. This does not mean that large portions can be offered to them, so make sure that you don’t give more than a tablespoon of potato at a time.

Can Roborovski hamsters eat potatoes?

Robo hamsters also love potatoes but cannot eat as much as their Syrian counterparts since they are smaller in size. You can give a teaspoon of potato every week to your Roborovski hamster. 

How should you give potatoes to your hamster?

  • The solanine content in potatoes can increase due to age, physical damage, moisture, and exposure to light. So, store potatoes in a dry, dark place. Do not use potatoes that have sprouted or are damaged.
  • Solanine is normally localized to the skin of potatoes, present within a depth of up to 3mm (Source: Cropwatch Institute of Agriculture and Natural Sciences). However, when exposed to light, potatoes, especially the peels, can turn green. Greening can increase the solanine content in potato peels by up to tenfold. So, if the potato is green, discard it. 
  • As said above, the peel contains most of the solanine in potato. So, you may be tempted to peel the potato before boiling it. But if you do so, most of the vitamins in the potato will seep into the water and get lost. So, boil the potato before peeling. The water used to boil can absorb up to 10% of the solanine content (Source: We Go Wild). So, throw away the water and peel the potatoes before slicing them up and giving them to your hamster. 

Can hamsters eat mashed or roasted potatoes?

Yes, hamsters can eat mashed potatoes. They can eat roasted potatoes as well, as long as no oil or salt is added.

Can hamsters eat potato chips?

No, never give potato chips to your hamster because they contain more calories. Moreover, chips also contain a lot of salt, which can cause dehydration.

Can hamsters eat french fries?

Just like potato chips, french fries, too, contain a lot of calories and can make your hamster obese or diabetic. The added salt can cause dehydration. So, do not give french fries to your hamster. 

Fun facts


Potato is a staple food in almost every continent and, in some countries, eaten every day. The crop belongs to the nightshade family of plants. 

The scientific name of potato is Solanum Tuberosum (Source: Wikipedia). It is a root vegetable and is consumed all over the world in some form or the other. It is mainly cultivated in northern and Eastern Europe. In Asia, it is predominantly cultivated in India and China. 

There are about 5000 different types of potatoes in the world today. The most famous ones among them are Yukon gold potatoes, red potatoes, and white potatoes. 


Potatoes have been a part of our food for a really long time. They were first domesticated about 10,000 years ago in present-day Peru and Bolivia and were introduced in Europe by the Spanish people. 

The name “potato” comes from the Spanish word for potatoes, “Patata.” This word came from “papa” and “batata,” which are names for potato and sweet potato, respectively, in different languages. It is also called the earth apple or ground apple. 


In conclusion, you can give your hamster potatoes, but they are best avoided for dwarf hamsters. Cooked potatoes can be offered in moderation to Syrian hamsters. 

Other vegetables, like celery, cucumber, etc., should be offered in rotation with potatoes to create a balanced diet so that your hamster can get adequate nutrition and taste. Sweet potatoes, if available, are a better option as compared to white potatoes, as sweet potatoes have more nutrients and fewer carbohydrates. Everything can be offered in moderation as long as your hamster is healthy and digests carbohydrates easily. 

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