Why Is My Hamster Squeaking? – Reasons Behind Hamster Sounds

Human beings are a highly intelligent species. Through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, we have developed an extremely complex way of communicating with each other – Speaking. Using words, sentences, and languages, we can precisely express what we think to the person opposite to us.

However, unlike humans, animals do not have a real language, or at least not something that humans can understand. But just because they don’t talk to each other like humans do, it doesn’t mean that they don’t communicate with each other. Indeed, animals do communicate with each other. But they use different methods to do so – Body language, smell, marking their territories and relatives using urine, and some complex systems of signaling, like rumbling, chirping, squeaking, etc.

What’s more, it has been recently discovered that taking turns while talking, which is a highly intelligent level of communication that was supposed to be unique to humans, actually exists in the animal kingdom across several species (Source: News Week). If you’re reading this and wondering, “What has this got to do with my question – Why is my hamster squeaking?”, my point is that your hamster is squeaking because he is trying to communicate something – fear, anger, happiness, etc.

A hamster would understand why another hamster is squeaking. But for you, it may not be obvious. So, in this blog post, I list some of the reasons why your hamster squeaks, what other sounds hamsters make, and what to do about it.

Reasons why your hamster is squeaking

A hamster could squeak for the following reasons – As a part of his behavior, to convey emotions, to express feelings, and to communicate needs. Let’s look at these reasons in detail below.

Video of a hamster squeaking


Sometimes, a hamster might squeak as a result of something that he normally does. These include:

  • Your hamster is communicating with other hamsters – Humans talk to each other every day. Similarly, your hamster might be communicating with other hamsters in the cage. Squeaking loudly could mean that a hamster is afraid of other hamsters in the cage. On the other hand, squeaking softly could mean that a hamster is playing with other hamsters and is enjoying their company.
  • Your hamster recognizes you – Once your hamster has been tamed, he might squeak every time you enter the room, open his cage, or bring him food. This is normal behavior since it is his way of saying that he recognizes you and the situation.
  • Asserting domination – When hamsters fight, they may squeak to exert domination over their enemy.
  • Becoming defensive – Hamsters are tiny prey creatures. So, it is normal for them to become nervous and stressed when you try to hold them, especially if you don’t have a strong bond with your hamster. In such cases, they may get defensive and start squeaking. It is their way of saying, “Go away. Do not touch me!” So, respect their choice, and leave them alone for some time.


Hamsters might also squeak to convey their emotions. These include:

  • Fear – Fear is one of the basic emotions that hamsters express by squeaking. If your hamster squeaks continuously, it is a sign that he is scared. So, if you try to hold your hamster and he starts squeaking, you should stop it and give him some space. This is especially true if your hamster is new and you haven’t tamed him yet. If you need help taming your hamster, read this blog post: How to tame your hamster?
  • Happiness – Squeaking can also be a sign of happiness. When you go home after a tiring day and open the door of the room where your hamster’s cage is, your hamster might squeak because he is happy to see you. If that’s the case, there is no need to be alarmed.
  • Anger – Anger is another emotion that hamsters express by squeaking and even hissing. If your hamster is angry, watch his body language carefully – He will also show other signs, like crouching, raising his front paws, baring his teeth, biting the cage bars, etc. (Source: Animals.mom). If your hamster does any of these, it is a sign that he is angry and frustrated, probably because he is bored. If that’s the case, get him a bigger cage, hamster toys, and a hamster wheel.


Hamsters might also squeak to express how they feel.

  • Pain – Hamsters are highly active creatures with bad eyesight. So they can get injured easily. And when they get injured, they will squeak. So, if you hear your hamster squeak, you have to immediately inspect if something is wrong. If your hamster is just lying down, unable to get up, you have to take him to a vet asap. But squeaking does not necessarily indicate an injury. Internal pain, like stomach ache, pain while urinating, pain while giving birth, etc., could also make a hamster squeak.
  • In heat – Female hamsters can get into heat once every four days. During this time, they can get defensive easily if you get anywhere near them and start squeaking. So, during this time, you should just leave them alone.


A hamster can also squeak to communicate his needs. Some of them are:

  • Needs attention – A hamster can squeak if he needs your attention. Maybe he needs food or wants to play with you. But whatever the reason, if your hamster squeaks when you are nearby, he just needs your attention.
  • Needs to breed – If you have dwarf hamsters of both genders in the cage, they may squeak when they want to breed. The hamsters’ squeaking during this time can be persistent and loud (Source: First Hamster).

What does the frequency of squeaking tell you?

The frequency of squeaking can tell you a lot about a hamster’s mood and current state of mind. For example, an occasional squeak is normally nothing to fret about. However, if your hamster is squeaking loudly, frequently, and/or consistently, it warrants your attention.

Other hamster sounds and their meanings

Until now, we looked at why a hamster squeaks. But squeaking is not the only sound a hamster makes. According to leading pet experts, a hamster can also make the following common sounds (Source: Pet Keen):


A hamster can chirp due to the same reasons as squeaking discussed above – Happiness, fear, anger, etc. So, you should really look at the context to understand why your hamster is chirping.

Video of a hamster chirping


When hamsters are happy and content, they may rub their teeth together, causing a clicking sound.

Video of a hamster clicking


Cooing is a quiet, soft, vibrating sound that hamsters rarely make. Just like clicking, cooing is also a sign of a happy hamster.


If you have ever heard a hamster cry or scream, you know how disturbing it can be. This is a sign of distress that hamsters don’t often make. But if they make this sound, it is a definitive sign that they are in real pain or extremely scared. This sound can sometimes be heard when hamsters fight.

Video of a hamster crying


Like crying and screaming, hissing is almost always a sign of discomfort – It tells you that your hamster is scared or angry. If your hamster hisses at you, you should definitely leave him alone. A hamster can hiss when he is new to a home, and nothing is familiar around him.

If you have just bought a hamster, this is one sound your hamster would often make. But it should go away once your hamster gets tamed and feels comfortable around you.

Video of a hamster hissing


Just like humans, hamsters, too, can sneeze and often due to the same reasons – Dust, some weird smell getting into their nose, or if they caught a cold. If your hamster stops sneezing after a while, you don’t have anything to worry about. But if he keeps sneezing continuously, he might have a cold, or the bedding may be too dusty. So, you should take him to a vet.

Video of a hamster sneezing

I hope this blog post helped you understand why your hamster makes different sounds. If there is something I missed out, let me know in the comments below.

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