Hamster Food – What Can Hamsters Eat? [The Complete List]

Hamsters are tiny animals. Their digestive systems are not as strong as that of humans. So, they cannot eat everything that we humans can eat. But what can hamsters eat? What hamster foods are safe, and what aren’t? If you own a hamster, it is your responsibility to know the answers to these questions so that you can keep your hamster safe and sound. But even if you don’t know the answers to these questions, you don’t have to fret. In this blog post, I will list all the common foods that are safe for hamsters.

I have divided this blog post into six sections so that you can get all the information about hamster food in one place. This is a very long blog post. So, if you feel overwhelmed, just bookmark this blog post.

What’s in this blog post?

I. What should hamsters eat? – Explains the nutritional requirements of a hamster
II. Choosing the right commercial hamster food
III. Checking the quality of the chosen commercial food
IV. Feeding the chosen commercial food in the right amount and frequency
V. How to supplement commercial hamster food with fresh foods?
VI. What can hamsters eat?

Disclaimer: I have done considerable research before writing this article. Throughout this article, I have linked out to relevant, reputable pet and health websites so that you can read more about all the topics listed here. Yet, this article should only be used as a reference/source of information. It cannot replace a visit to a veterinarian or an animal nutritionist. If you are unsure about any food item mentioned here, contact a veterinarian or an animal nutritionist.

Table Of Contents
  1. I. What should hamsters eat?
  2. II. Choosing the right commercial hamster food
  3. III. Checking the quality of the chosen commercial food
  4. IV. Feeding the chosen commercial food in the right amount and frequency
  5. V. How to supplement commercial hamster food with fresh foods?
  6. VI. What can hamsters eat?

I. What should hamsters eat?

How much does a hamster eat?

Hamsters are tiny animals. Considering their small size, they can eat just 1 to 2 tablespoons of food. The exact amount depends on the size and species of the hamster you have.

You should also keep fresh water for your hamster and replace it every day. If you have multiple hamsters, place several water bottles across the cage so that the dominant hamster doesn’t bully the other hamsters and prevent them from using its water bottle.

How often does a hamster eat?

Hamsters have a higher rate of metabolism when compared to humans. So, they have to eat more often to supply their body with the energy they need. So, in the wild, hamsters eat every 2 hours when they are awake.

What should a hamster’s diet consist of?

As we all know, a balanced diet should comprise the right amount of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and fat, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates provide the energy needed for daily activities; fiber keeps the digestive system healthy; protein helps build muscles; fat provides energy and helps absorb vitamins; vitamins and minerals keep the body cells and organs functioning properly.

Even though all the above-mentioned nutrients should be present in a diet to classify it as balanced, it is often customary to define a hamster’s diet using just three of these nutrients – protein, fat, and fiber. The percentage of protein, fat, and fiber in a hamster’s diet is called Guaranteed Analysis.

How does a hamster’s age affect his diet?

Ideally, this is what a hamster’s diet should comprise based on his age:

  • Young hamsters (age < 6 months): 19-20% protein, 7-8% fat, 8-10% fiber
  • Adult hamsters (6 months < age > 18 months): 17-18% protein, 6-7% fat, 10-12% fiber
  • Senile hamsters (age > 18 months): 15% protein, 6-7% fat, 12-15% fiber

Pregnant hamsters need more protein (up to 40%) in their diet.

How does a hamster’s species affect his diet?

The amount and constituents of food, which a hamster can eat, depend on the species to which he belongs. There are 19 different types of hamsters. Of these, only five are kept as pets. The Syrian hamster is the largest among these five pet hamster species. So they can tolerate more sugar and acid in their diets.

The other hamsters are considerably smaller when compared to the Syrian hamster. So, they are aptly named dwarf hamsters. Of these, Campbell hamsters and Winter White hamsters are prone to diabetes easily. So, they shouldn’t eat sugary food, even if these food items are otherwise healthy. Chinese hamsters shouldn’t be given much sugary food either, even though they are not as prone to diabetes as the two species mentioned above.

Roborovski hamsters are the smallest species of hamster. But they are also extremely active. They keep running around all the time. They can cover almost 6 miles in a single night. Hence, Roborovski hamsters can quickly digest the sugar content in the food they eat. So they can tolerate more sugar in their diet. Hence, they are not generally grouped with the other dwarf pet hamster species when it comes to diet.

II. Choosing the right commercial hamster food

Before choosing the right commercial food for your hamster, you should know that there are two types of hamster food available commercially – Lab blocks and seed mixes

Lab blocks

Lab blocks are low in fat and high in nutrition. So, they are good for hamsters in terms of the nutrition they offer. However, lab blocks lack variety. They are made only of pellets. If you give your hamster a varied diet, he might select what he needs and leave the rest away. However, if you give your hamster only lab blocks, you can prevent this habit of selective eating.

Hamster pellets, a type of hamster food

But there is a very good chance that your hamster will get bored with his diet and even become depressed due to the lack of variety in his diet.

Seed mixes

Seed mixes can contain seeds, pellets, and other minimally processed dried whole-food ingredients. They bring in a wide variety of nutrients, tastes, and textures into your hamster’s diet.

What can hamsters eat? - A picture of Hamster food mix

However, the biggest problem with seed mixes is that they promote selective eating, i.e., your hamster might eat only the components that he likes, leaving the rest away.

Selective eating creates food waste every day. Moreover, it will also affect the Guaranteed analysis value of your hamster’s diet.

Which one should you choose?

As you can imagine, there is no one right answer when it comes to choosing the right commercial hamster food. Many pet owners often choose a mixture of lab blocks and seed mixes. This brings variety into a hamster’s diet without sacrificing quality.

III. Checking the quality of the chosen commercial food

To check the quality of the chosen commercial food, you can perform the following checks:

1. Is the food made specifically for hamsters?

There are many pet foods that are made in such a way that they can be used as food for several rodents. But even these foods cannot be used for all rodents. For example, foods made for rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits may not be suitable for hamsters.

After all, not all rodents are the same. Their digestive systems are different, and the Guaranteed Analysis values of the food they need are also different. As we saw in a previous section of this blog post, the Guaranteed Analysis values for hamsters of different age groups vary. So, it’s only natural that the Guaranteed values for different rodents vary as well.

Hence, while choosing a commercial food for your hamster, make sure that the label mentions that the food is suitable for hamsters.

2. Is it natural and minimally processed?

In the wild, hamsters are used to foraging and eating food that is available in their natural state – cereals, nuts, seeds, leaves, dried flowers, roots, and insects. So, their digestive systems have evolved to thrive on such food items. Therefore, make sure that the food you buy contains minimally processed natural foods. If you are purchasing a mix, make sure that it doesn’t contain too many pellets.

There is no doubt that pellets are healthy. But if you provide a food mix that contains pellets as well as natural, whole foods like seeds and nuts, your hamster will most likely eat the whole foods leaving the pellets uneaten. This not only leads to food waste but also affects the Guaranteed Analysis value of your hamster’s diet.

Hence, buy a hamster food mix that contains a wide variety of natural, whole ingredients. If the Guaranteed analysis of the mix is less than what your hamster needs, you can still add pellets later.

3. What is its Guaranteed Analysis?

Many hamster foods list the Guaranteed Analysis of the mix as well. For example, Supreme Science Selective Hamster Food lists its Guaranteed Analysis as (Source: Amazon):

Crude protein: min 17%, crude fat: min 3%, crude fiber: max 8%, and moisture: max 11%

Note down the Guaranteed Analysis of the mix. If there are any discrepancies (when compared with the Guaranteed Analysis your hamster needs), we can compensate it by adding appropriate seeds, nuts, pellets, etc. to it.

4. How many unique ingredients does it contain?

Variety is essential when it comes to your hamster’s diet. It helps create a balanced diet, keeps your hamster healthy and happy, prevents boredom, and can help tame your hamster and develop a deep bond with him. Therefore, you must choose a hamster food that contains a wide variety of ingredients.

But do not compare hamster food mixes by just counting the number of ingredients listed in each mix. Many pet foods often list the same ingredients multiple times in different names so as to create the false impression of containing a wide variety of ingredients. So, first, find out how many unique ingredients each mix contains.

For example, the Supreme Tiny Friends Farm Harry Hamster Tasty Mix lists the following ingredients (Source: Amazon):

Lucerne meel (alfalfa), flaked maize, soya, wheat flour, maize, flaked wheat, flaked peas, oats, sunflower seeds (min 4%), locust bean, peanuts (min 2%), flaked soybeans, banana & fenugreek oil, soy oil, minerals. Additives: Colourants.

Even though 16 ingredients are listed, this mix only contains at most 11 unique ingredients listed below:

Alfalfa, soya, maize, flaked wheat, flaked peas, oats, sunflower seeds, locust bean, peanuts, banana & fenugreek oil.

The following are duplicated ingredients:

Maize and flaked maize

Soya, flaked soybeans, and soy oil

Flaked wheat and wheat flour

Moreover, minerals are just byproducts of manufacturing. So, they are most probably present in insignificant amounts. Therefore, they can be ignored.

5. In what amounts are the unique ingredients present?

Once you have found out the unique ingredients in a hamster food, the next thing to do is to figure out if it contains the required food items in the correct proportions. Make sure that the mix doesn’t contain too much of just one ingredient and too little of other ingredients. Hamster food mixes often list their ingredients in descending order of their proportions in the mix. For example, Versele-Laga Complete Hamster & Gerbil food lists the following ingredients (Source: Amazon):

Hamster food mix

The ingredients listed near the very bottom and/or constitute less than 1% of the mix can be ignored.

6. Does it pass the visual test?

Finally, you can also do a visual inspection of its contents.

If it contains undesirable components like too many fruits, corn, or carrot (contain too much sugar) or too many sunflower seeds (contain too much fat), or too much hay (suitable for rabbits but not for hamsters), it might be better to choose another hamster mix.

IV. Feeding the chosen commercial food in the right amount and frequency

Normally, the commercial hamster food you buy will have instructions as to how much you should feed your hamster.

Hamsters usually eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of food, depending on their size and species.

In the wild, hamsters forage for food. Most times, it is unsafe to eat the food where it is found due to the danger of being attacked by predators. So, they carry the food in their cheek pouches and store them in their burrows. Then, whenever they feel hungry, they can eat it in their burrows which are safe from predators.

Your pet hamster will also have the same instinct. So, whenever you give him food, he will hog most of it in his cheek pouches and stash them in a secret place in his cage. But this is not a problem, as hamsters generally eat once every two hours when they are awake. So, whenever he feels hungry, he will eat the stored food.

However, too much stored food is also not good. If your hamster doesn’t finish the food he has stored within 24 hours, remove them. Just before you give him food, check if he has stored any food from the last time. If you find any, remove it and give him a fresh supply.

If you find that your hamster is leaving a large proportion of the stored food uneaten every day, start cutting back on his proportions slowly.

V. How to supplement commercial hamster food with fresh foods?

Normally, commercially available hamster food mixes are enough to meet the nutritional demands of a hamster’s body. But if you find that the Guaranteed Analysis of a hamster food does not meet the nutritional requirements of your hamster, you can supplement the commercial hamster food with a mix of your own. This will also add more variety to your hamster’s diet, thus keeping boredom at bay.

You can feed only two servings of fresh foods/treats to your hamster per day – one fresh fruit/vegetable and one protein/other food items per day. Anything more than that can cause diseases like diabetes or upset their digestive system. This is especially true for dwarf hamsters.

If you introduce a treat to your hamster, do it slowly, starting with a very small amount of treat. Increase it gradually over the course of a few weeks. If you notice that your hamster shows symptoms of illness within 24 hours of eating a new treat, stop giving that treat.

Remove any uneaten treats on the same day. If not, they might rot, leading to the growth of mold, fungus, etc., which can make your hamster sick.

VI. What can hamsters eat?

In this part of the blog post, I list common food items that your hamster can eat, reasons why he can eat them, and how often he can eat them. Are you interested in finding out what hamsters shouldn’t eat? Check out: What can hamsters not eat?

What fruits can hamsters eat?

Hamsters are tiny animals. So, they cannot tolerate even a small amount of pesticides and insecticides that are normally found on the outer skin of fruits. So, buy organic fruits for your hamsters (Source: Hamster Society Singapore). Moreover, wash the fruits thoroughly in running water before you give them to your hamster.

Hamster food - Hamster eating fruit

1. Apricot

Apricot is rich in vitamins A, C, and E. So, it can help improve your hamster’s vision and protect his skin from damage. Moreover, it is also a rich source of dietary fiber that improves digestion and keeps your hamster’s weight under check (Source: WebMD).

However, it is best not to give dwarf hamsters apricot due to their high sugar content (Source: Hamster Care).


  • Syrian hamsters – A paw-sized piece of apricot once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A paw-sized piece of apricot once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give apricots

2. Apple

Apples are a rich source of vitamins C and K and the minerals copper and potassium. They are also a great source of fiber and water, which can keep your hamster full for a long time and prevent him from overeating, thus aiding weight loss. They can also enhance the health of your hamster’s heart, help reduce the risk of diabetes, and prevent cancer.

So, all hamsters can eat apples. But don’t forget to remove the seeds because apple seeds are poisonous.


  • Syrian hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of apple twice a week
  • Roborovoski hamsters – A small piece of an apple once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A small piece of an apple once a fortnight

Also read: Can hamsters eat apples?

3. Banana

Bananas are a great source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 and minerals like potassium and iron. So, they can boost the immune system of your hamster and reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and kidney stones. Since they are also a great source of dietary fiber, they can help prevent constipation and keep your hamster’s weight in check. Moreover, they also contain antioxidants that help prevent cancer and other diseases.

So, all species of hamsters can eat bananas.


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of banana twice a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of banana twice a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of banana once a week

Also read: Can hamsters eat bananas?

4. Berries

Berries like Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Strawberries, etc., are a rich source of flavonoids that can help prevent heart disease and various types of cancer and reduce cognitive decline. They are also rich in fiber that promotes the health of the gut, keeps the weight under check, and prevents diabetes. Berries, especially cranberries, improve the health of the urinary tract (Source: Everyday Health).

But some berries may not be suitable for dwarf hamsters due to their sugar content. For more information, read: Can hamsters eat blueberries?, Can hamsters eat strawberries?, Can hamsters eat raspberries?

5. Cherries

Cherries are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are found to be effective in preventing heart disease, diabetes, cognitive decline, and cancer. They may also improve sleep quality (Source: Healthline).

Don’t give cherries to dwarf hamsters, though, because of their high sugar content.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of cherries once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – Half a teaspoon of cherries once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give cherries

6. Figs

Figs are a great source of minerals like calcium and potassium. So, they help keep bones healthy and blood pressure at healthy levels. Moreover, they are a great source of fiber. So, they can help keep your hamster’s weight under check and improve digestive health. They are also rich in antioxidants. So, they protect your hamster from diseases like cancer (Source: BBC Good Food).

However, they also contain a lot of sugar. So they are not suitable for dwarf hamsters. But Syrian and Roborovski hamsters can eat them. But since figs are sticky, make sure to provide only a small portion of figs at a time. Make sure that you cut it into very small pieces to prevent choking.


  • Syrian hamsters – A (your) fingernail-sized piece once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A fingernail-sized piece once a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give figs

7. Grapes

Grapes are a great source of Vitamin C. So they help improve your hamster’s immune system. They are also rich in antioxidants, which slow down aging and help prevent diseases like cancer. As a good source of potassium, they help reduce bad cholesterol levels. Therefore, they are good for your hamster’s heart. Since grapes contain minerals like calcium and magnesium, they are also good for your hamster’s bones.

But grape seeds can choke your hamster. So, buy seedless grapes or remove the seeds from the grapes before giving them to your hamster.


  • Syrian hamsters – One grape per week
  • Roborovski hamsters – Half a grape per week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give grapes

Also read: Can hamsters eat grapes?

8. Guava

Guava is a great source of Vitamin C and potassium. It is also a good source of fiber, which helps reduce blood sugar levels and improves digestive health. It contains antioxidants that can prevent the skin from getting damaged by harmful chemicals (Source: Healthline).

Both Syrians and dwarf hamsters can eat guava. But you have to remove the seeds before giving them to your hamster so as to prevent choking.


  • Syrian hamsters – A small piece of guava the size of your hamster’s ear once per week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A small piece of guava the size of your hamster’s ear once per week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A small piece of guava the size of your hamster’s ear once per week

9. Honeydew melon

Honeydew melon is a great source of Vitamin C. So it helps improve your hamster’s immune system and keeps his skin healthy. It contains minerals like calcium and magnesium that keep his bones strong. It contains antioxidants that help prevent diseases like cancer and prevent your hamster’s eyes from oxidative damage (Source: Healthline).

Moreover, since it is a great source of water, it keeps your hamster hydrated throughout the day. But precisely because of that, you shouldn’t give too much of it to your hamster because it can cause diarrhea. Also, remove the seeds before giving this fruit to your hamster.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of honeydew once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – Half a teaspoon of honeydew once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A small piece of honeydew the size of your hamster’s paw once a week (Source: Just Hamsters)

10. Kiwi

Kiwi is a great source of Vitamin C and compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it boosts your hamster’s immunity and helps prevent depression and chronic diseases like cancer. It is a good source of dietary fiber. So, it helps improve digestive health and keeps your hamster’s weight under check.

But kiwi is also acidic. So, dwarf hamsters shouldn’t eat it. Moreover, make sure you remove the skin and seeds before giving kiwi to your Syrian or Roborovski hamster. If the kiwi tastes sour, don’t give it to your hamster.


  • Syrian hamsters – A paw-sized piece of kiwi twice a week (Source: Pet Keen)
  • Roborovski hamsters – A paw-sized piece of kiwi once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give kiwi

11. Lychee

Unlike other fruits, lychee is not necessarily a great addition to your hamster’s diet because it doesn’t offer many health benefits. It contains a lot of water and little amount of sugar. It is very low in dietary fiber and contains decent amounts of Vitamin C, minerals like copper and potassium, and some antioxidants, which could help fight against diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease (Source: Healthline). But even though it is not really healthy, your hamster will still like it because of its sweet taste.

However, you should remove the skin and seed of lychee before giving it to your hamster. Dwarf hamsters should not eat lychee.


  • Syrian hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of lychee twice a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of lychee once a week (Source: Photobucket)
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give lychee

12. Mango

Mango is a great source of antioxidants that can help protect against cancer and heart disease and slow down aging. Mango, along with its peel, is a good source of fiber and other beneficial plant compounds. Mango skin has been known to improve digestive health. Mango contains a decent amount of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which keep the eyes, skin, and hair healthy (Source: BBC Good Food). So, mango can be a healthy addition to your hamster’s diet.

But don’t give hamsters the seed. Dwarf hamsters can also eat mango. For more information, read: Can hamsters eat mango?


  • Syrian hamsters – A paw-sized piece of mango once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A paw-sized piece of mango once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of mango once a fortnight

13. Peach

Peaches are great sources of vitamins C, A, K, and E. They also contain a good amount of potassium and decent amounts of copper and manganese. The fiber they contain can improve digestive health and keep your hamster’s weight under check. They are rich in antioxidants that can help fight against diseases like cancer. Moreover, peach binds itself to bile acids (which absorb the cholesterol in the body) produced by the liver and helps move them out of the body through the feces. Thus, they help lower blood cholesterol levels (Source: Healthline).

So, you can add peach to your hamster’s (including dwarf hamsters) diet. Hamsters can eat peach skin as well, but the pit should be removed (Source: Tiny Pet Tales).


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of peach once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – Half a teaspoon of peach once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A paw-sized piece of peach once a week (Source: Just hamsters)

14. Plums

Plums (and dried plums) are a great source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, that boost your hamster’s immunity and help prevent cancer. The dietary fiber present in plums can improve digestive health and reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Plums contain good amounts of Vitamin B6, which help keep the brain and nervous system healthy. The plant compounds present in plums can also improve bone health (Source: Organic facts).

So, you can give your hamster plums, dried plums, and plum skin. But plum pits should be avoided. Plums shouldn’t be given to dwarf hamsters because of their high sugar content. For more information, read: Can hamsters eat plums?


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of plums once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of plums once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give plums

15. Watermelon

Watermelon contains good amounts of vitamins A and C. While Vitamin A keeps your hamster’s eyes and skin healthy, Vitamin C improves your hamster’s immunity.

Watermelon contains an antioxidant called lycopene that helps prevent cancer and diabetes and keeps your hamster’s heart healthy.

About 92% of watermelon is just water. So, it helps keep your hamster hydrated throughout the day. But precisely because of that, you shouldn’t give watermelon too often to your hamster. You should give watermelon only as an occasional treat because hamsters have evolved to survive in arid, tropical areas. So, too much water can upset their stomach.

Moreover, the sugar content in watermelon can also cause diabetes if fed often. Hence, it can only be fed occasionally and only in moderation. Your hamster can eat watermelon rind as well. But seeds should be avoided because they not only pose a choking hazard but are also toxic for hamsters. For more information, read: Can hamsters eat watermelon?


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of watermelon once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A paw-sized piece of watermelon once a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A paw-sized piece of watermelon once a week

How much fruit can hamsters eat?

Fruits should be limited in a hamster’s diet – about 1/4th of a teaspoon of fruits once to thrice per week is sufficient. This depends on the hamster species, though. Syrian hamsters can eat fruits thrice per week, and dwarf hamsters maybe once or twice per week.

What vegetables can hamsters eat?

Hamster eating vegetable

1. Asparagus

Asparagus is a low-calorie, water-rich, and fiber-rich food. It keeps your hamster hydrated throughout the day, keeps the weight under check, and promotes digestive health. The vitamins that asparagus is rich in, Vitamin K and B9, improve heart health and keep your hamster healthy during pregnancy and childbirth.

Asparagus is also rich in antioxidants that protect your hamster from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Asparagus is rich in iron, which helps transport oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.

So, all types of hamsters can eat this healthy vegetable. Hamsters can eat asparagus stalks, too. For more information, read: Can hamsters eat asparagus?


  • Syrian hamsters – A nickel-sized piece of asparagus every day
  • Roborovski hamsters – A nickel-sized piece of asparagus once in two days
  • Dwarf hamsters – A nickel-sized piece of asparagus once in three days

2. (Green) beans

Green beans contain significant amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Vitamin A. They also contain small amounts of other vitamins like Vitamin K, E, B1, B3, and B6. Green beans are a great source of manganese.

They also contain other minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and iron. Magnesium is needed for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles; phosphorous is needed for the production of DNA and RNA and the well-being of body cells; the deficiency of zinc can affect taste and smell. Green beans are a good source of dietary fiber as well.

So, hamsters of all species can eat green beans. But never give raw beans to your hamsters because it can be poisonous. So, give only cooked beans.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of green beans every few days
  • Roborovski hamsters – Half a teaspoon of green beans every few days
  • Dwarf hamsters – A teaspoon of green beans once a week (Source: Just Hamsters)

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in antioxidants that protect against diseases like cancer and slow down aging. Broccoli is also a good source of dietary fiber. So it promotes digestive health and helps prevent diabetes and colorectal cancer. The Vitamins and minerals abundant in Broccoli – Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Calcium, and potassium – improve immunity, protect the heart from diseases, and improve bone strength (Source: Medical News Today).

So, you can give broccoli to all species of hamsters. Hamsters can eat broccoli stalks and leaves as well (Source: Hamsters 101).


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of broccoli thrice a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of broccoli once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Half a teaspoon of broccoli once a week

4. Carrot

Carrot is a great source of dietary fiber. So, it promotes the gastrointestinal and digestive health of your hamster and keeps him from getting diabetes.

Carrot is also a great source of Vitamin A which protects your hamster’s eyes, skin, and hair, and Vitamin C, which strengthens his immune system. It also contains antioxidants that protect your hamster from diseases like cancer and reduce blood pressure, thereby protecting his heart. The minerals that carrots contain, iron, calcium, and potassium, are good for your hamster’s bones and heart and help transport oxygen to different body parts.

But carrots are also high in sugar. So, dwarf hamsters shouldn’t be given carrots. But Syrians and Roborovskis can eat carrots, both raw (healthier) and cooked, even though raw carrots are healthier. But do remember that carrots contain a lot of sugar as well. So, carrots should only be fed sparingly as an occasional treat.


  • Syrian hamsters – A 2-inch-sized piece of carrot once every two days
  • Roborovski hamsters – A 1-inch-sized piece of carrot once every two days
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give carrots

Also read: Can hamsters eat carrots?

5. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a great source of Vitamin B4, which aids DNA synthesis and metabolism and keeps the brain and the nervous system healthy.

Cauliflower is a low-calorie food. Indeed, 92% of it is just water. So, it not only keeps your hamster from getting fat but also keeps him hydrated throughout the day. It contains an antioxidant called Sulforaphane that might help prevent cancers and tumors from spreading by inhibiting enzymes that support the growth of cancer cells and destroying body cells that are already infected (Source: Healthline). The dietary fiber present in cauliflower keeps your hamster’s digestive system healthy.

So, all types of hamsters can eat cauliflower. Hamsters can eat cauliflower leaves (less nutritious) and florets as well. Hamsters can eat raw cauliflower. But don’t feed cooked cauliflower because it can cause digestive problems (Source: Tiny Pet Tales).


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of cauliflower twice a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of cauliflower once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Half a teaspoon of cauliflower once a week (Source: Petsmond)

6. Celery

Like cauliflower, celery is also a low-calorie, water-rich, fiber-rich food. So, it protects your hamster’s digestive system and keeps his weight under check.

The antioxidants present in celery have anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. So they may protect your hamster from a string of diseases. The minerals that celery contains in significant amounts, calcium, magnesium, and sodium, neutralize the acid in your hamster’s food, strengthen his bones, and help your hamster’s heart, nerves, and muscles function properly. The vitamins present in celery, vitamins A, C, and K, keep your hamster’s skin, eyes, and immune system healthy.

So, all types of hamsters can eat celery, both cooked and raw. Hamsters can eat celery stalks and leaves too.


  • Syrian hamsters – A quarter of a teaspoon of celery once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A paw-sized piece of celery twice a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A paw-sized piece of celery twice a week

Recommended reading: Can hamsters eat celery?

7. Cucumber

Cucumber is a low-calorie, water-rich food. It comprises 96% water. So, it helps your hamster stay hydrated. Cucumber contains decent amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. It contains decent amounts of potassium, iron, and calcium as well. It contains a small amount of dietary fiber as well. So, cucumber is healthy for your hamster when fed in moderation.

Hence, all types of hamsters can eat cucumber. Hamsters can eat cucumber skin as well. But do not give too much cucumber to your hamster because its high water content can upset the stomach of hamsters, which have evolved to survive in arid conditions.


  • Syrian hamsters – Two inch-sized pieces of cucumber on alternate days
  • Roborovski hamsters – An inch-sized piece of cucumber on alternate days
  • Dwarf hamsters – An inch-sized piece of cucumber once a week

For more information, read: Can hamsters eat cucumber?

8. Kale

Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet (Source: Healthline). It is one of the best sources of Vitamin K. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting and prevents heart diseases and osteoporosis. It is also a great source of vitamins C and A and contains decent amounts of B vitamins B1, B2, and B3. It is also rich in the minerals manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and magnesium, some of which are not that abundantly found in other food items.

Kale contains antioxidants that prevent cancer and protect the eyes from oxidative damage. It also contains small amounts of protein and fiber, which help your hamster lose weight.

However, kale should not be given to dwarf hamsters because of its high acidic- and sugar content (Source: PetKeen).


  • Syrian hamsters – A small piece of kale once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A tiny piece of kale once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give kale

9. Lettuce

Among the different types of lettuce, Iceberg lettuce should never be given to hamsters. But Romaine lettuce can be given to hamsters.

Romaine lettuce is a great source of Vitamin K and a good source of Vitamins A and B9. It is also rich in antioxidants that prevent eye damage and improve the health of the heart, kidneys, and immune system (Source: Eating Well).

So, all species of hamsters can eat Romaine lettuce.


  • Syrian hamsters – 1/3rd of a typical lettuce leaf once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – 1/4th of a typical lettuce leaf once a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/6th of a typical lettuce leaf once a week (Source: Just Hamsters)

10. Peas

Peas are a good source of vitamins C, A, E, B6, and B9. They contain decent amounts of iron, calcium, and manganese, which are vital for the bones and help restore energy in the body. They also contain small amounts of zinc, whose deficiency can affect the taste and smell of your hamster.

The antioxidants present in peas protect the body from diseases like cancer and conditions that affect the eye, like cataracts and macular degeneration. Coumestrol, a chemical present in peas, is found to be effective in preventing stomach cancer (Source: WebMD). The nutrients present in peas are also found to be effective against inflammation. Hence, they protect your hamster from heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Peas contain significant amounts of dietary fiber as well.

But despite the numerous health benefits they offer, peas contain significant amounts of sugar. So, you shouldn’t give peas to dwarf hamsters (Source: Pet Keen).


  • Syrian hamsters – 6 peas a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – 3 peas a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give peas

11. Spinach

Spinach contains antioxidants that fight against cancer and protect eyes from conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. Spinach contains nitrates, which improve blood flow, reduce cholesterol levels and improve the health of the heart.

It is rich in Vitamin K and minerals like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous, which keep your hamster’s bones strong. Spinach is also a good source of iron, which helps restore energy (Source: BBC Good Food).

So, hamsters can eat spinach. But spinach contains a compound called oxalic acid, which can inhibit the absorption of minerals. But cooking reduces the efficiency of oxalic acid. Moreover, cooked spinach is easier for hamsters to digest. So, cooked spinach is better for your hamster when compared to raw spinach.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of spinach twice a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – One teaspoon of spinach every two weeks
  • Dwarf hamsters – A tiny (paw-sized) piece of spinach once a week (Source: Kidadl)

12. Squash

Squash is a good source of magnesium, calcium, and iron. It is also a great source of vitamins A and B6. Vitamin B6 can prevent your hamster from developing mental issues like depression. Like spinach, squash, too, contains antioxidants that protect your hamster’s eyes from conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration (Source: WebMD).

So, all species of hamsters can eat squash.

13. Sweet potato

Sweet potato is an excellent source of Vitamin A and a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. It is also a great source of manganese, potassium, and copper. It is also a rich source of dietary fiber. The antioxidants present in sweet potatoes are found to be effective in preventing breast, stomach, colon, and bladder cancers, and protect the brain from oxidative damage, thus enhancing cognitive function (Source: Healthline).

So, all hamster species can eat sweet potatoes. But feed sweet potatoes only in moderation as an occasional treat because sweet potatoes also contain a lot of sugar. But cook the sweet potato before you give it to your hamster.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of sweet potato once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of sweet potato once every fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A very tiny piece of sweet potato once a week

14. Tomato

Tomato is a low-fat, water-rich food. 95% of tomato is just water. So, it doesn’t make your hamster fat. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins like C, K, and B9. Vitamin B9 is needed for the normal functioning of body cells and the growth of tissues.

Tomato also contains antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer and act as pain relievers. It also contains significant amounts of minerals like potassium and iron. So, you can give tomatoes to Syrian and Roborovski hamsters.

However, dwarf hamsters shouldn’t be fed tomatoes because their high acid content can upset the stomachs of these hamsters. But even to Syrian and Robo hamsters, you shouldn’t give tomato leaves, stems, or green tomatoes, because they contain a compound called solanine that can upset the stomach and cause diarrhea.


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of tomato a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – Half a teaspoon of tomato a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – Do not give tomato

Also read: Can hamsters eat tomatoes?

15. Turnip

Turnip is a great source of Vitamin K and a good source of vitamins C and B9. It also contains decent amounts of calcium and dietary fiber. It is found to reduce blood sugar levels in rats. It may also protect your hamster from harmful bacteria.

So, all species of hamsters can eat turnip.


  • Syrian hamsters – Two teaspoons of turnip every week
  • Roborovski hamsters – One teaspoon of turnip every week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A teaspoon of turnip every fortnight (Source: Just Hamsters)

16. Zucchini

Zucchini is a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. It is rich in potassium and contains considerable amounts of calcium as well. The antioxidants found in zucchini protect the body, especially the skin, eyes, and heart, from getting damaged by free radicals. Zucchini is also rich in fiber and comprises mostly water. So, it can keep your hamster from getting fat, keep him hydrated, and improve his digestive health.

So, hamsters of all types can eat zucchini.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of zucchini every week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of honeydew every two weeks
  • Dwarf hamsters – A very small piece of zucchini every week

Also read: Can hamsters eat zucchini?

How much vegetables can hamsters eat?

You can feed your hamster between 1/2 and 1 teaspoon of vegetables every 1 to 2 days. Again, the exact amount varies depending on the hamster breed.

What nuts can hamsters eat?

Nuts might have a higher fat content than most other foods. So, you might be concerned about giving them to your hamster since hamsters are such tiny creatures, and they can get obese quickly.

Hamster eating nuts - Hamster food

However, nuts are a part of a hamster’s natural diet. When foraging for food in the wild, hamsters end up finding nuts, seeds, grains, and roots that they munch on. So, their bodies have evolved to benefit from them. Therefore, nuts are not only not dangerous but also healthy for your hamster. Just make sure that you don’t give too many nuts – The frequency should be between once a month to once a week, depending on which type of hamster you have.

1. Cashew nuts

Cashew is a powerhouse of essential minerals that the body needs. It is an excellent source of copper. It also contains significant amounts of magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorous, iron, and selenium (Source: Healthline). It also contains a decent amount of the vitamins K and B6.

Cashew nuts are great sources of antioxidants as well. Roasting cashew nuts increases their antioxidant activity. But roasting cashew nuts also makes them more ‘fattening’ since it enables the body to absorb more calories from them. Cashew nuts reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke. As a good source of fiber, they can also reduce insulin levels, thus preventing diabetes.

Raw cashew nuts contain toxic substances that can irritate the skin or be poisonous when ingested. So, the raw cashew nuts that you get in stores are actually steamed to release the toxic chemicals. Therefore, strictly speaking, they are not raw and hence, can be eaten as such (Source: Delighted Cooking). But since hamsters are tiny creatures and their digestive systems can get upset quickly, and you can’t be sure that the cashews that you get in stores are completely devoid of these toxic chemicals, it is better to roast the cashew nuts before you give them to your hamster. But don’t fry them, because the butter or oil you add during frying can make cashew nuts more fattening.

So, give your hamsters only roasted cashew nuts. Don’t give them raw or fried cashew nuts (Source: Pet Diet Guide).

2. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are a great source of Vitamin E and a good source of vitamins B1, B6, and B9. When it comes to minerals, Hazelnuts contain a lot of manganese and copper and good amounts of magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium (Source: Nutrition Data).

They are also a rich source of unsaturated fats, protein, and dietary fiber, which can protect your hamster’s heart and keep him from getting fat. They are also a good source of antioxidants. Hazelnuts are found to reduce cholesterol levels, thereby preventing heart disease, and improve insulin sensitivity, thereby preventing type 2 Diabetes (Source: Medical News Today).

So, all hamster species can eat hazelnuts. You can even give hazelnuts with shells and watch your hamster trying to break it open to get the nut inside (Source: Hamster Central). But give only natural hazelnuts without any additives like salt and do not give too many hazelnuts since they contain a lot of fats.

3. Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts are a great source of Vitamin B1. Like Hazelnuts, macadamia nuts are also a great source of manganese. They also contain good amounts of copper, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus (Source: Nutrition Data).

Macadamia nuts are good for the heart because they reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and improve the health of your arteries. They can help reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke (Source: WebMD). The dietary fiber in macadamia nuts supports the growth of good bacteria in the gut, thereby improving digestive health. So, all hamster species can eat macadamia nuts.

4. Peanuts

Peanuts are a great source of unsaturated fats and protein.

Unsaturated fats are healthy for the body because they can reduce cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots from forming, thus preventing heart attack and stroke. Protein keeps your hamster full for a longer time, preventing him from eating too much and gaining weight.

They are also an excellent source of the vitamins B7, B9, and E, and the minerals manganese and copper (Source: WebMD). They are also a good source of fiber and have a low glycemic index. So, they don’t cause sharp spikes in sugar levels, thus preventing weight gain. They also contain antioxidants that can prevent cancer.

Observational studies suggest that consuming nuts like peanuts can decrease cardiovascular and overall mortality rates in people (Source: PubMed). Even though this study was conducted on humans, the health benefits of nuts might apply to your hamster as well.

So, all types of hamsters can eat peanuts. Just make sure they are unsalted and are given only occasionally. You can also give peanuts with shells. Hamsters will love the task of opening the shell to get the peanuts inside.

5. Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are found to reduce bad cholesterol (LPL) levels and have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels. They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which slow down age-related cognitive decline (Source: Healthline). Since they contain significant amounts of protein and fiber, they can keep your hamster from getting fat.

Pine nuts are an amazing source of manganese, Vitamin K, and Vitamin E. They are also rich in the B vitamins B1, B2, and B3, and the minerals copper, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron (Source: Stylecraze).

But despite their health benefits, they can be a choking hazard for dwarf hamsters. So, don’t give pine nuts to dwarf hamsters or Roborovskis; Give pine nuts only to Syrians. Make sure that additives like sugar or salt are not added to the pine nuts you give your Syrian (Source: Nature FAQ).

6. Pistachios

Pistachios are a great source of copper and a good source of other minerals like manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. Pistachios are rich in the B vitamins B6 and B1.

Even though they contain a lot of fat, 90% of these are unsaturated – the good type (Source: Healthline). The antioxidants present in pistachios protect the eyes of your hamster from conditions like macular degeneration and cataract. The fiber and the fat present in pistachio aid the growth of gut microbiota. Pistachios reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels as well.

So, all hamster species can eat pistachios both raw and roasted. Just make sure you feed pistachios to your hamsters only rarely and that they are not salted.

7. Walnuts

Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, that are beneficial for the heart and the central nervous system. Walnuts are also found to increase gut microbiota, thus benefiting digestive health. Walnuts can also decrease appetite and, thus, help keep your hamster’s weight within healthy levels.

The antioxidants and Vitamin E present in walnuts reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain, thus aiding cognitive function. Walnuts can also reduce the risk of physical impairment upon aging (Source: Healthline). Walnuts are a good source of copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, and Vitamin B6.

So, all hamster species can eat both raw and roasted walnuts. Hamsters can even eat walnut shells, but they may not like them. But if your hamster is fully grown, you can give the walnut along with the shell. Then, he would love the adventure of opening it to find the nut inside.

8. Sweet Almonds

Almonds are a great source of Vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. They also contain trace amounts of other nutrients like Vitamin B2, copper, and phosphorus.

Almonds are a great source of antioxidants. A large part of these antioxidants is concentrated on their brown skin.

Since they are low in calories but rich in healthy fats, protein, and dietary fiber, they contribute to weight loss and help reduce blood sugar, pressure, and cholesterol levels. But they do not just lower blood cholesterol levels, but also prevent the oxidation of LDL (Oxidation of LDL – the bad type of cholesterol – is actually a very important step in the development of heart disease). So, they help prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. (Source: Healthline).

So, all species of hamsters can eat sweet almonds. But hamsters shouldn’t be given bitter almonds or almonds with seasonings like salt. Even though the brown skin of almonds is rich in antioxidants, it can upset the stomach of your hamster. So, you should remove the brown skin before giving almonds to your hamster. For more information, read: Can hamsters eat almonds?

9. Lentils

Lentils are a great source of protein and dietary fiber. Besides that, they are a good source of Vitamin B9, Vitamin B1, manganese, phosphorus, and iron as well (Source: Nutrition Data). Fiber can help protect your hamster’s heart and digestive system and help prevent colon cancer. Protein helps build muscles, and iron removes fatigue.

So, lentils are a great energetic treat for all types of hamsters.

But never give raw lentils to your hamster. Raw lentils contain a protein called lectin that plants produce to ward off animals. This protein can cause food poisoning and digestive tract problems like diarrhea and vomiting. Moreover, raw lentils can reduce the body’s ability to absorb certain minerals, albeit temporarily. But these ill effects of lentils can be removed by properly soaking and cooking them (Source: Medicine Net). So, lentils and other legumes must be properly cooked before being fed to hamsters.

10. Soybeans

Soybeans contain a plant compound called isoflavones which makes soybeans highly beneficial for health. Isoflavones and another plant compound called lunasin may reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancers and improve bone health (Source: Healthline).

Moreover, soybeans are one of the best plant-based sources of protein and a great source of the vitamins B9, B1, B2, and K. They are also rich in manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus (Source: Nutrition Data). They contain a good amount of unsaturated fats and a decent amount of dietary fiber as well.

So, all hamster species can eat soybeans.

How many nuts can hamsters eat?

Syrian hamsters can eat one nut a week, Roborovski hamsters can eat one nut every two weeks, and dwarf hamsters can eat one nut every month. But what you must remember is that you can only serve one nut of the above-mentioned quantity in the said timeframe. If you want to feed several nuts in the said timeframe, you should divide the quantity accordingly. For example, if you have a Syrian hamster to whom you want to serve four different types of nuts, you can choose either of the below variations:

Variation I:

Week 1 – 1 x Cashew nut

Week 2 – 1 x Hazelnut

Week 3 – 1 x Peanut

Week 4 – 1 x Pistachio

Variation II:

Week 1 – 0.25 x Cashew nut + 0.25 x Hazelnut + 0.25 x Peanut + 0.25 x Pistachio

Week 2 – 0.25 x Cashew nut + 0.25 x Hazelnut + 0.25 x Peanut + 0.25 x Pistachio

Week 3 – 0.25 x Cashew nut + 0.25 x Hazelnut + 0.25 x Peanut + 0.25 x Pistachio

Week 4 – 0.25 x Cashew nut + 0.25 x Hazelnut + 0.25 x Peanut + 0.25 x Pistachio

What grains can hamsters eat?

1. Barley

There are two kinds of barley sold in stores – Hulled and Pearl. Both are great sources of dietary fiber. Their nutrient makeup is similar. They both contain good amounts of manganese and selenium and decent amounts of Vitamin B3. But Hulled barley contains significantly more Vitamin B1, potassium, and protein than Pearl barley. Its nutrient makeup (Vitamin B6, potassium, and iron) helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy.

The minerals present in barley (Calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc) help strengthen the bones of your hamster.

They also contain a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which reduces blood cholesterol and sugar levels, helps lose weight, and benefits the good bacteria in the gut (Source: Healthline).

Barley contains betaine, which is converted to choline by the body. Choline helps with learning, memory, muscle movement, and sleep (Source: Medical News Today).

So, all hamster species can eat both raw and cooked barley (Source: Hamster Central).


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of barley every day
  • Roborovski hamsters -1/4th of a teaspoon of barley every day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/8th of a teaspoon of barley every day (Source: Pets Animals World)

2. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is a great source of protein and dietary fiber (Source: Nutrition Data). Besides these, it also contains decent amounts of B vitamins B2 and B3 and the minerals manganese, magnesium, copper, and phosphorus. The antioxidants present in buckwheat may reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, thereby preventing diabetes and heart disease.

So, all hamsters can eat buckwheat regardless of whether it is raw, cooked, with husk, or hulled (Source: Hamster Central). However, boiling reduces the amount of nutrients in buckwheat (Source: Healthline).


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of buckwheat every day
  • Roborovski hamsters -1/4th of a teaspoon of buckwheat every day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/8th of a teaspoon of buckwheat every day

3. Corn

Among all the grains humans use, corn has the highest antioxidant capacity. So it can prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Moreover, it doesn’t spike sugar levels sharply. So it can combat obesity and diabetes.

In addition to that, it is a rich source of Vitamin C. It also contains other vitamins like Vitamin A, which keeps eyes healthy, and Vitamin B6, which helps prevent diseases like anemia. Corn is also a rich source of potassium and iron. Corn also contains dietary fiber, which helps improve digestive health and lose weight.

So, all types of hamsters can eat corn.


  • Syrian hamsters – One corn on the corb once a month
  • Roborovski hamsters – A handful of corn kernels a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – A single kernel of corn a day

For more information, read: Can hamsters eat corn?

4. Millet

Millet is a good source of fiber and protein. It also contains decent amounts of the B vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B9, and the minerals manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron (Source: Nutrition Data). Like quinoa, millet, too, is gluten-free. It is also rich in antioxidants. It also helps keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check.

So, all hamster species can eat millet (Source: Hamster Central).

But millet also contains antinutrients that can prevent the body from absorbing certain nutrients if eaten raw. However, soaking millet overnight and rinsing it could reduce its antinutrient capacity, according to health experts (Source: Healthline). Nevertheless, the antinutrient capacity of millet becomes concerning only if millet makes up most of the diet. So, if you feed millet only in moderation and as part of a varied diet, you don’t have to worry about its antinutrient capacity affecting your hamster’s health.


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of millet every day
  • Roborovski hamsters -1/4th of a teaspoon of millet every day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/8th of a teaspoon of millet every day

5. Oats

Oats are a great source of manganese. They also contain good amounts of other minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, copper, and Vitamin B1. They are also a good source of protein.

Oats contain a unique group of antioxidants called avenanthramides, which increase the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide dilates and relaxes blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. Like barley, oats, too, contains beta-glucan.

So, all types of hamsters can eat oats.


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of oats every day
  • Roborovski hamsters -1/4th of a teaspoon of oats every day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/8th of a teaspoon of oats every day

6. Quinoa

Quinoa is a great source of protein. It also contains good amounts of the vitamins B9, B1, and B6, and the minerals manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium. Quinoa contains significantly more dietary fiber when compared to other common grains.

Quinoa is also gluten-free. So, it can be a great replacement for grains like barley, wheat, and rye, which contain gluten. It is a nearly complete protein source because it contains most of the nine essential amino acids that the body needs.

Quinoa contains vitamins and minerals that are essential during pregnancy. It can be effective in preventing diabetes and heart disease because it helps reduce blood sugar levels, blood cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels (Source: Healthline).

All hamsters can eat quinoa, both cooked and raw. But raw quinoa tastes bitter. So, hamsters may not like it. So, soaking and letting them sprout or cooking them before giving them to your hamster would be the right approach (Source: Hamster Central). But cooking reduces the vitamin and mineral content in quinoa (Source: Raw quinoa – Nutrition Data, Cooked quinoa – Nutrition Data).


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of quinoa every day
  • Roborovski hamsters -1/4th of a teaspoon of quinoa every day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/8th of a teaspoon of quinoa every day

7. Rice

Hamsters can eat both cooked and uncooked white and brown rice. However, rice is not a nutritionally healthy food. Even whole grain or brown rice, which is a better choice because it has the outer husk of the rice grain, which contains important nutrients, is not as nutritious as what a hamster would normally eat in the wild – nuts, seeds, small insects, roots, etc.

But eating rice wouldn’t make your hamster sick, the only exception being overcooked or moist rice, which can stick to your hamster’s cheek pouches and rot.

So, as long as you give only a few grains that are either raw or cooked (not overcooked) and only occasionally, you can give rice to your hamster (Source: Animals.mom).


  • Syrian hamsters – 6 grains of rice a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – 4 grains of rice a week
  • Dwarf hamsters – 2 to 4 grains of rice a week

8. Wheat

Wheat is a great source of dietary fiber and protein (Source: Healthline). It contains high amounts of manganese and selenium and decent amounts of B vitamins. It is also rich in antioxidants.

So, some pet owners find that feeding shredded and puffed wheat to hamsters is okay (Source: Hamster Central). However, most people feed wheat in the form of bread or pasta to their hamsters.


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of wheat every day
  • Roborovski hamsters -1/4th of a teaspoon of wheat every day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/8th of a teaspoon of wheat every day

How much grains can hamsters eat?

Hamsters generally eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of food every day. Syrian hamsters, being the largest pet hamsters, typically eat about two tablespoons of food daily, and dwarf hamsters might eat one tablespoon or less.

For every one tablespoon of commercial food you give your hamster, you can provide about 1/2 a teaspoon (not a tablespoon – A tablespoon holds about 15ml, while a teaspoon holds approximately 5ml) of grains listed above (except rice because rice is not really nutritionally beneficial for your hamster). Every day, mix 2 or 3 grains and give them to your hamster. Refrain from giving the same grain every day.

What seeds can hamsters eat?

Just like nuts, seeds form a part of a hamster’s natural diet. So, even if they are high in fats, you can give them to your hamster every day, but in moderation.

Hamster eating seeds - Hamster food

You can even mix different seeds together and create a homemade hamster seed mix. Then you can mix this homemade seed mix with the chosen commercially available seed mix so that your hamster gets a varied mix of seeds (this makes his diet more balanced) that contain different vitamins and minerals his body needs.

1. Chia seeds

Chia seeds may not contain a significant amount of any vitamins. But they are an amazing source of dietary fiber and unsaturated fats, a good source of protein and minerals like manganese, phosphorus, and calcium (Source: Nutrition Data). The high fiber and protein content are effective against obesity, heart disease, and type 2 Diabetes.

Since chia seeds contain all nine essential amino acids in addition to being a great source of protein, they help build muscles and keep your hamster’s skin and hair healthy. So, all species of hamsters can eat chia seeds.


  • Syrian hamsters – 8 seeds per day
  • Roborovski hamsters – 2 to 4 seeds per day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 2 to 4 seeds per day

Do you want to find out more about this topic? For more information, read: Can hamsters eat chia seeds?

2. Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds contain a decent amount of minerals like manganese, iron, calcium, and magnesium. But they are a rich source of beneficial plant compounds, some of which have anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Fennel seeds contain a decent amount of fiber, which helps reduce appetite and benefits heart health. Fennel extract might help reduce age-related memory problems (Source: Healthline). So, all breeds of hamsters can eat fennel seeds and leaves (Source: Diary Of Pets).

3. Flax seeds

Flax seeds are a great source of dietary fiber, healthy fats, protein, amino acids, Vitamin B1, copper, manganese, and magnesium. They can help lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and pressure levels.

Flax seeds contain antioxidants that can help prevent diseases like cancer (Source: Healthline). They can also bring a great healthy sheen to your hamster’s coat. So, all species of hamsters can eat flax seeds.


  • Syrian hamsters – 10 seeds per day (Source: Hamster Society Singapore)
  • Roborovski hamsters – 3 to 5 seeds per day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 3 to 5 seeds per day

4. Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are an exceptionally good source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and protein. They are also a great source of Vitamin E and minerals like phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, and zinc. They are a good source of dietary fiber as well.

Hemp seeds contain high amounts of an amino acid called arginine that produces Nitric oxide. Nitric oxide can dilate blood vessels and relax them, thus reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart disease (Source: Healthline). The fatty acids in hemp seeds help prevent skin disorders and give a lovely shine to hamsters’ coats, according to some pet owners (Source: Hamster Central).

So, all types of hamsters can eat both peeled and unpeeled hemp seeds every day. Unpeeled hemp seeds make hamsters’ teeth stronger, while peeled hemp seeds are easier to eat (Source: Pets Animal World).


  • Syrian hamsters – 7 to 10 seeds per day
  • Roborovski hamsters – 3 to 5 seeds per day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 3 to 5 seeds per day

5. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in several minerals, including manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. They contain a decent amount of Vitamin K as well.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants, which are found to be effective against breast and prostate cancers. They also contain decent amounts of dietary fiber. Pumpkin seeds are found to reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels (Source: Healthline).

So, hamsters of all species can eat pumpkin seeds. But make sure that they are unsalted. Moreover, they are high in fat as well. So, make sure that you don’t overfeed them.


  • Syrian hamsters – 3 to 4 seeds per day
  • Roborovski hamsters – 1 to 2 seeds per day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1 to 2 seeds per day

6. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are a superfood.

Sesame seeds are a good source of the B vitamins B1, B6, B9, and B3; minerals copper, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and iron; protein; unsaturated fats; and dietary fiber (Source: Nutrition Data). They may help lower blood cholesterol, pressure, and sugar levels. They may help the body produce red blood cells.

As they are a good source of plant protein and important minerals, they can help keep muscles and bones strong (Source: Healthline). They strengthen the immune system, and the antioxidants they contain can help fight inflammation.

So, all hamsters can eat sesame seeds.


  • Syrian hamsters – 7 to 10 seeds per day
  • Roborovski hamsters – 3 to 5 seeds per day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 3 to 5 seeds per day (Source: The Pet FAQ)

7. Sunflower seeds

According to research, sunflower seeds have antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties due to plant compounds like phenols, saponins, and tannins (Source: PubMed). So they can help prevent cancer, tumor, hypertension, and arterial disease.

Sunflower seeds may also be effective against diabetes and high cholesterol (Source: Medical News Today). They also contain essential fatty acids that are beneficial for the skin.

So, all hamster species can eat sunflower seeds (Source: Pet Keen). But don’t give them too much because these seeds can be quite fattening. Moreover, the sunflower seeds you give your hamster should be unsalted and must not contain any seasoning at all. Remove the hull as well.


  • Syrian hamsters – 2 to 5 seeds per day
  • Roborovski hamsters – 1 to 2 seeds per day
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1 to 2 seeds per day

How many seeds can your hamster eat every day?

The answer to this question depends largely on the breed of the hamster and how much food he eats.

Generally, for every tablespoon of commercial feed you give your hamster, you can give 7 x 2 types of small seeds (chia, flax, hemp, and sesame) and 1 x 2 types of big seeds (sunflower and safflower) every day. Seeds with high fat content, like pumpkin seeds, can be given two times a week (Source: Hamsters 101).

What flowers can hamsters eat?

What can hamsters eat? - A hamster eating flowers

1. Cornflower

Cornflower is a herb whose dried flowers are used to make medicine. Cornflower tea is taken for fever, constipation, and chest congestion and as a liver- and gallbladder stimulant (Source: RX List). Hamsters can eat cornflowers.

2. Daisy

The extract from daisies has been used in tea to cure respiratory problems like bronchitis due to its anti-inflammatory and antitussive (ability to prevent cough) properties. It is also used to treat problems of the digestive tract like diarrhea and mild constipation and gastritis, gallbladder, and liver complaints. It may also reduce fever and purify the bloodstream (Source: Health Benefits Times).

Hamsters can eat all parts of the daisy plant except the root.

3. Dandelion

Dandelion greens contain exceptionally high amounts of Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C (Source: Nutrition Data). Moreover, they contain decent amounts of calcium, iron, and manganese. Dandelion flowers may also have a similar nutritional profile.

Neither dandelion greens nor dandelion flowers are toxic to hamsters. So, you can give dandelion greens and flowers (even a whole dandelion flower) to all hamster breeds (Source: Pet Consider). But don’t go overboard with dandelions because they contain high amounts of some vitamins and can lead to a vitamin overdose. Sprinkle only a few dandelion petals or greens here and there as part of a balanced diet.

4. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a good source of Vitamin C and antioxidants. Moreover, it can reduce blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight. It can also keep the liver healthy and fight against harmful bacteria (Source: Healthline).

So, all species of hamsters can eat hibiscus flowers, leaves, and small branches (Source: Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital). Of the many commonly grown varieties of hibiscus, one hibiscus variety may cause poisoning in pets. To find out which common hibiscus varieties are safe for pets and which aren’t, visit this website: A-Z Animals.

5. Jasmine

Unlike false jasmine, true jasmine is not toxic for hamsters (Jasmine belongs to the genus Jasminum. Another plant called Carolina jasmine, despite its name, doesn’t belong to this genus. But it contains jasmine in its name and is toxic for pets. In order to differentiate between the two plants, jasmine is called true jasmine, and Carolina jasmine is called false jasmine).

So, you can give jasmine to hamsters. But even though jasmine can reduce stress and get rid of lice and parasites, it does not contain any nutrients in significant amounts (Source: Pet Food Fuss). Therefore, it is not nutritionally healthy for hamsters, and hence, must be fed only very sparingly.

Moreover, the strong scent of jasmine flowers might be a big turn-off for many hamsters. So, give a small piece of jasmine flower to your hamster. If he doesn’t hate the smell and doesn’t get sick after eating it, you can give a jasmine flower to him once in a blue moon.

6. Lavender

Lavender is an aromatic flower that has a lot of health benefits. It is a good source of Vitamin A, calcium, iron, and antioxidants. It may help reduce blood pressure, improve sleep, act as a pain reliever, improve respiratory health, and combat fungus growth (Source: Everyday Health).

Lavender oil applied to the back of rats led to an increase in the number of hair follicles and a thicker dermal layer (Source: PubMed).

So, hamsters can eat lavender, albeit very sparingly.

If fed often, the smell of lavender, which offers several health benefits to humans, might stress hamsters out. In the first place, many hamsters might even avoid lavender due to its strong scent (Source: Petspre). But if your hamster doesn’t despise the aroma of lavender flowers and doesn’t get sick after eating them, you can give him a lavender flower once in a while.

7. Marigold

Marigolds are flowers that can be a great addition to a hamster’s diet. But there are different types of marigolds, and some types can be toxic to hamsters. French marigolds, found in most gardens, and Marsh marigolds are both toxic to hamsters.

The only marigold that is safe for hamsters is the wild marigold, and even that should be grown organically without the use of pesticides (Source: We’re All About Pets).

8. Rose

Rose petals are a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. These vitamins strengthen your hamster’s immune system and keep his skin healthy.

The aroma that arises from rose petals may also reduce stress and anxiety. Rose petals may also reduce the risk of diabetes, cognitive diseases, heart disease, obesity, and arthritis. Rose petals may also increase the liver’s bile production, thereby improving digestion (Source: WebMD).

So, hamsters can eat rose petals and rose leaves as well. Just don’t feed rose stems because they contain thorns. Do not give too many rose petals or leaves because it can lead to a Vitamin C overdose. Also, make sure that the rose is organically grown.

9. Rosemary

Rosemary is a good source of vitamins A, C, and B6 and minerals, iron and calcium. Since it contains compounds that possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation.

Rosemary may improve cognitive abilities. Its aroma can help clear the mind and reduce stress. Rosemary may also help improve digestion and help the body fight against bacterial infections (Source: Flushing Hospital).

So, all hamsters can eat rosemary, though the amount depends on the breed. But give rosemary only in moderation since its high calcium content can cause bladder and kidney stones.

How often can hamsters eat flowers/dried flowers?

There isn’t much research done on this subject. So, if you don’t want to give dried flowers to your hamsters, you can completely avoid them. But these flowers have a good smell to them that can bring a nice vibe to your hamster’s cage. Moreover, as listed above, some of them have unique properties that can be beneficial for your hamster’s health.

Moreover, in the wild, hamsters collect dried flowers and herbs while foraging and bring them back to their nests and store them so they can eat them later. So, some expert hamster owners suggest taking a handful of the mix of the dried flowers mentioned above and sprinkling it in your hamster’s cage once a week (Source: Youtube). This will kindle their natural foraging instinct as well.

If you’re not sure if your hamster will like a particular flower, you can always test it out. Just sprinkle it in the cage. If your hamster doesn’t like it, he won’t eat it. Then you can avoid giving him that flower again.

What herbs and other plant parts can hamsters eat?

Hamster eating herb

1. Bamboo

Bamboo leaves comprise about 70% of silica, a trace mineral that the body needs to keep the skin, bones, and cartilage strong (Source: Bambu Batu). So, they keep your hamster’s skin, bones, and fur healthy.

The bacteria in your hamster’s teeth can mix with food byproducts and protein to form a sticky coating called plaque which can eat away the enamel, resulting in cavities and decay. If plaque stays on his teeth and hardens, it becomes tartar, which provides plaque with more surface area to grow and a far stickier surface to adhere to, causing cavities and gum disease (Source: WM Smile). But since bamboo shoots are hard and healthy, chewing on them helps remove tartar and plaque from your hamster’s teeth, thus reducing the risk of dental problems.

Moreover, bamboo shoots are also a decent source of copper, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E (Source: Healthline).

But despite its health benefits, true fresh bamboo (Other types of bamboo, like lucky bamboo and heavenly bamboo, are not bamboo at all) shoots in the wild can be poisonous because they contain dangerous levels of cyanogenic glycosides. So, only buy bamboo for hamsters from reputable stores or bamboo chew sticks made specifically for rodents (Source: Hamsters 101).

You can either give these bamboos to your hamster raw, steamed, or boiled. All hamster species can eat bamboo.

2. Basil

Basil contains a significant amount of Vitamin K and decent amounts of Vitamin A, calcium, iron, and manganese. The nutrients in basil can help prevent heart disease, improve eyesight, strengthen bones, boost the immune system, and heal wounds (Source: Tiny Pet Tales).

So, all hamster species can eat basil, albeit in moderation.

3. Chamomile

Chamomile contains significant amounts of Vitamin C, calcium, copper, zinc, and iron. Chamomile helps reduce blood sugar levels. It can help with relaxation and falling asleep. It can help reduce inflammation and cold symptoms. Chamomile can also reduce bone density loss, thereby preventing osteoporosis (Source: Medical News Today).

So, hamsters can eat chamomile (Source: Hamsters Central).

4. Chickweed

Chickweed is rich in beneficial plant compounds like antioxidants, and Vitamin C. Chickweed may help in digestion, weight loss, reducing inflammation, fighting germs, and healing wounds. It is also an expectorant. Expectorants help moisten mucus so that you can cough it up and overcome colds and sickness sooner (Source: Healthline).

Hamsters can eat chickweed.

5. Cilantro/Coriander

Cilantro contains sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, and K, and the minerals calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, and magnesium.

The chemical compounds in cilantro help rid the body of toxic metals, coordinate and regulate gut contractions so that the digestive system can work properly and stay healthy, and help make the digestive system more efficient, thus helping the body absorb more nutrients from the ingested food.

As a good source of water and fiber, cilantro can also help prevent constipation and keep your hamster stay hydrated throughout the day.

So, all hamster species can eat cilantro. For more information, read: Can hamsters eat cilantro?

6. Clover

Clover contains decent amounts of Vitamin C, fiber, and iron. It can lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body and increase blood flow, thereby benefiting the heart and the cardiovascular system. Clover can also help reduce inflammation, fight infections, and strengthen the immune system.

Clover is also a diuretic that helps remove toxins and fat from the body (Source: Organic Facts).

So, all types of hamsters can eat clover.

7. Dill

Dill is a decent source of Vitamin C, manganese, Vitamin A, Vitamin B9, and iron.

Dill is a great source of beneficial plant compounds, some of which have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties and might help reduce the risk of stroke, cancer, brain, heart, kidney, and liver diseases (Source: Healthline). Dill might also lower body sugar levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. It contains small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are all essential for keeping your hamster’s bones strong.

So, all hamster species can eat dill. But give only dill leaves to your hamsters. Do not give dill twigs or seeds because dill twigs can be too hard for a hamster to chew and digest, whereas dill seeds can get stuck in his throat.

8. Hay

Hay is a great source of fiber. The other nutrients in hay vary depending on the type of hay. But regardless of the type of hay, its rough texture helps prevent dental problems in hamsters. It also provides mental stimulation by promoting hamsters’ natural behavior.

So, all hamster species need hay. Alfalfa and Timothy hay are the most famous types of hay among hamster owners because hamsters tend to like them due to their taste. Also read: Can hamsters eat hay?

9. Mint

Mint contains decent amounts of Vitamin A, iron, manganese, and Vitamin B9. Mint may improve cognitive abilities, improve digestion, boost immunity, reduce stress and depression, and fight against asthma by relieving chest congestion (Source: Pharmeasy).

So, all hamster breeds can eat mint leaves, stems, and flowers. But avoid the roots, though, as they can be toxic to hamsters. But what you have to keep in mind is that mint has a strong smell and taste.

Some hamsters may find this strong smell repulsive. So, they may not like it. Some hamsters may not like the strong taste even though they can put up with the scent. Therefore, they may avoid mint leaves after tasting them once. But every hamster is unique. So, your hamster could end up liking mint despite its strong taste and smell.

10. Parsley

Parsley contains high amounts of Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. It contains antioxidants that can reduce the risk of colon and lung cancers, type 2 Diabetes, and heart disease. Since it is exceptionally rich in Vitamin K, it can improve bone health and prevent the risk of fractures (Source: Healthline).

Parsley also has antibacterial properties. It can also keep the eyes healthy. So, you can give parsley to all types of hamsters. But feed parsley only in moderation, as too much parsley, can cause diarrhea, lethargy, bladder stones, and/or pica (where hamsters start eating non-food items like cardboard, bedding, etc.) (Source: Pet Keen).

11. Thyme

Thyme contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, copper, iron, and manganese. It can boost immunity and can be effective against cough. It contains chemical compounds that can increase the production of hormones responsible for regulating mood. Thyme can also fight bacterial and fungal infections (Source: Healthline).

So, all breeds of hamsters can eat thyme. But like any food item, it should also be fed only sparingly.

12. Wаtеrсrеѕѕ

Watercress is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K. It contains minerals that benefit the heart and the bones. So, hamsters can eat watercress.

How much herbs can hamsters eat?

Just as in the case of flowers, you can also give herbs once a week to your hamster. Just mix the herbs and flowers together and sprinkle them in your hamster’s cage once a week.

What animal products can hamsters eat?

As you would have guessed already, animal products do not belong to a hamster’s natural diet. But they are unarguably some of the best sources of protein on the planet. Hamsters, especially pregnant hamsters, nursing mothers, and young pups, can benefit from the protein content in animal products.

A hamster holding a piece of cheese

1. Chicken

Chicken is a great source of protein and amino acids. So, it can not only help build muscles but reduce bone density loss that comes with aging, thus preventing osteoporosis.

Eating chicken also aids in weight loss because protein can keep your hamster feel full for a long time, thus preventing him from eating too much. An amino acid in chicken has been linked to increased levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin. Therefore, eating chicken can also improve mood (Source: WebMD).

Therefore, all types of hamsters can eat chicken. The protein in cooked chicken is especially beneficial for pregnant hamsters since they need a lot of protein and energy for childbirth and feeding their young.

But never give raw chicken pieces to hamsters because, unlike carnivores, their digestive systems have not evolved to digest meat efficiently. Moreover, raw meat available in stores can contain bacteria. So, always cook the chicken properly before giving it to your hamster.

Do not add any seasoning or salt when you cook the chicken. Baking and boiling are the only suitable methods to cook the chicken for your hamster.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of chicken per week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of chicken per fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A teaspoon of chicken per month (Source: Just Hamsters)

2. Egg

Egg is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains Vitamin A and minerals like iron and calcium.

Eggs also contain antioxidants that protect the eyes from oxidative damage. They keep your hamster’s eyes, heart, and bones healthy and protect him from anemia.

Eggs are also very filling. So, they help reduce your hamster’s appetite and keep his weight under check. So, all hamsters, especially pregnant hamsters and new mothers, can eat eggs.

But give only properly cooked egg whites to your hamster.


  • Syrian hamsters – Half a teaspoon of egg per week
  • Roborovski hamsters – 1/4th of a teaspoon of egg per week
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1/4th of a teaspoon of egg per week

For more information, read: Can hamsters eat eggs?

3. Fish

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other conditions that cause sudden death.

The consumption of fish also helps slow down age-related cognitive decline that causes Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, etc. Fish is also an excellent source of Vitamin D.

Fish also helps reduce depression and anxiety and improve sleep quality. As a good source of protein, it also helps build muscles and other body tissues. Fish is also a good source of iodine that helps create thyroid hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.

So, all types of hamsters can eat fish. But overconsumption of fish can lead to mercury poisoning. So, give fish only in moderation.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of fish once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of fish once a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A teaspoon of fish once a month

For more information, read: Can hamsters eat fish?

4. Low-fat cheese

Cheese is a good source of calcium, protein, and Vitamin B12. But cheese can also be very fattening due to its high fat and sodium content.

So, it is advisable to avoid giving cheese to your hamster. However, if your hamster seems to tolerate cheese well, you can give a pea-sized low-fat, low-sodium cheese like cottage cheese occasionally.


  • Syrian hamsters – 3 pea-sized pieces of cheese every fortnight
  • Roborovski hamsters – 2 pea-sized pieces of cheese every fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – 1 pea-sized piece of cheese every fortnight

Also read: Can hamsters eat cheese?

5. Shrimp

Shrimp is a good source of protein, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and magnesium. It is also one of the best sources of iodine and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a rich source of the antioxidant astaxanthin, which can reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of several chronic diseases (Source: Healthline).

So, all hamster species can eat shrimp. But many hamsters can develop an allergic reaction to seafood. So, after you give your hamster shrimp, you should carefully monitor his condition for the next 24 hours to make sure that he doesn’t have an adverse reaction.

Some of the symptoms of seafood allergy are coughing, sneezing, scratching, swollen feet, hair loss, and discharge from the eyes or nose (Source: Hamster Geek). If your hamster shows any of these symptoms after eating seafood, take him to a vet immediately and stop giving seafood to him.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of shrimp once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of shrimp once a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A teaspoon of shrimp once a month (Source: Hamster Answers)

6. Turkey

Turkey is a great source of protein. It is also a great source of selenium and a good source of iron. It is a low Glycemic index food. So, it won’t lead to a sharp spike in sugar levels, i.e., it can help prevent diabetes by keeping blood sugar levels under check.

Turkey can increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. So, it is beneficial for the heart. It can help slow down age-related cognitive decline (Source: WebMD).

So, all hamster species can eat turkey. But just like chicken, turkey pieces should also be cooked properly by boiling or baking without adding any seasoning.


  • Syrian hamsters – A teaspoon of turkey once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A teaspoon of turkey once a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A teaspoon of turkey once a month

What insects can hamsters eat?

For many people, eating insects might be a gross, unthinkable thing to do. But wild hamsters eat insects whenever they manage to catch once. So, insects are a part of a hamster’s natural diet. Moreover, insects are also a more economically viable and environmentally friendly source of protein.

Hamster holding a warm

1. Crickets

Insects, like crickets and mealworms, are a great source of environment- and economy-friendly protein. They are also a rich source of other nutrients like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B9, and fat (Source: Healthline).

Crickets may benefit gut health. They are also more close to the natural diet a hamster would have in the wild. So, all hamster species can eat crickets.

You can give both live and dead crickets to your hamster. Live crickets are better because your hamster will love the challenge of catching them before eating them (Source: Hamsters Authority). But only give one at a time. Also, wait and make sure that your hamster catches and kills the cricket before you leave the area.


  • Syrian hamsters – A cricket a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A cricket a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A cricket a month (Source: Just Hamsters)

2. Locusts

Locusts are an extremely good source of protein. Almost 50% – 60% of their body weight is just protein (Source: Live Strong). They contain adequate amounts of iron, phosphorus, iodine, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B3. Locusts contain very little carbohydrates.

So, all species of hamsters can eat locusts. But locusts are also high in saturated fats and cholesterol. So, give locusts only as an occasional treat to your hamster.


  • Syrian hamsters – A locust a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A locust a fortnight
  • Dwarf hamsters – A locust a month

3. Mealworms

Mealworms are a great source of environment- and economy-friendly protein.

Mealworms are a nutrient-dense food that can help prevent malnutrition. They contain all the nine essential amino acids that help the nervous, digestive, reproductive, and immune systems function properly. They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

So, all hamster species can eat mealworms. But make sure the mealworm that you give your hamster is dead because live mealworms can cause infections. If you do want to give a live mealworm to your hamster, wait and make sure that your hamster kills the mealworm.


  • Syrian hamsters – 1 or 2 mealworms per day
  • Roborovski hamsters – 1 mealworm on alternate days
  • Dwarf hamsters – A couple of mealworms per week

Also read: Can hamsters eat mealworms?

4. Waxworms

Waxworms may not be the healthiest choice for your hamster because they contain twice as much sugar content as protein content. They are also rich in fat and sodium, both of which can be detrimental to the health of your hamster, especially if he is old or obese (Source: Pet Food Fuss). But according to hamster owners, hamsters love waxworms more than other worms (Source: Hamster Central).

So, you can still give waxworms to your hamster, but only very rarely.

What other products can hamsters eat?

Hamster eating bread

1. Bread

Bread is a good source of dietary fiber. It contains almost 0 saturated and trans fats that can damage the body (Source: Gold Medal Bakery). It feeds the good bacteria in the stomach, thus benefiting the digestive system.

So, all species of hamsters can eat bread. But never give white bread to your hamster because it is made of refined wheat flour. Since refining removes the outer layers of grains that are rich in dietary fiber, protein, and iron, leaving most of the carbohydrates intact, white bread contains too much sugar. So, it can make your hamster obese or diabetic. So, avoid white bread.

Give your hamster only bread made of whole-grain flour without any added salt.

2. Pasta

Pasta contains high amounts of manganese and selenium; adequate amounts of copper, phosphorous, magnesium, Vitamin B1, and iron; trace amounts of vitamins B2, B3, and B9. Pasta is a good source of carbohydrates, which provide energy to your hamster. It contains dietary fiber as well.

So, you can give pasta to your hamster, but only very, very rarely. If not, your hamster might become obese or diabetic. Moreover, whole-grain pasta is a better choice than refined pasta because refining removes the outer shells of grains, which contain a lot of dietary fiber, protein, and iron.


  • Syrian hamsters – A small piece of pasta once a week
  • Roborovski hamsters – A very small piece of pasta once in two weeks
  • Dwarf hamsters – A tiny piece of pasta once in three weeks

For more information, read: Can hamsters eat pasta?

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