Can Hamsters Eat Pasta? Which Pasta Is The Best?

If you own a hamster or any other pet for that matter, you would understand how it feels to be a pet owner. The chances are that you don’t consider the little animal just a pet but also a family member.

So, it is only natural for you to be tempted to give your hamster the food items you enjoy. After all, you may want to find out if your hamster likes the taste of your favorite food item and see how he reacts.

It would be pure joy to do that. Wouldn’t it?

So, if pasta is one of those food items you like, I am sure this question would have popped in your mind at least once:

“Can hamsters eat pasta?”

If it is the case, then read this blog post to find out the answer.

But before we find out if hamsters can eat pasta, let’s find out what pasta is made of.

What is pasta made of?

Pasta is a noodle made from dough (powdered grains), water, and eggs. Even though the most common grain used for making pasta is wheat, sometimes rice, buckwheat, or barley is also used instead.

Grains are typically made up of three parts:

1. Bran – the outer shell which contains fiber, minerals, B vitamins, and phytochemicals.

2. Germ – the part of the grain which contains antioxidants, vitamin E, B vitamins, and unsaturated fats.

3. Endosperm – the largest part of the grain which contains carbohydrates and protein.

A picture showing the composition of a wheat kernel.
By Wheat-kernel_nutrition.svg: Jkwchui derivative work: Jon C (talk) – Wheat-kernel_nutrition.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Refined vs. Whole grain pasta

But flour made from whole grains is not so soft and has a lesser shelf time. So, sometimes, while making pasta from wheat grains, bran and germ are stripped from wheat grains. This process is called refining.

As you can see, refining removes several vitamins, minerals, and, most importantly, fiber from grains. So, sometimes, refined food products are enhanced with vitamins and minerals to compensate for the nutrients lost during refining. This might sound like a good thing. But it should be noted that only 5 of the 22 nutrients stripped during refining are added back during enriching (Source – Mississippi Market Co-op).

A picture showing the compositions of refined, enriched, and whole wheat flour for the blog post 'Can hamsters eat pasta?'
Source – Wholegrainscouncil

So, even though food products are sometimes enhanced with vitamins and minerals after refining, they are still not as healthy as whole-grain food products.

When you apply the same logic to pasta, you can see that refined pasta (normal white pasta) cannot be as healthy as whole grain pasta (e.g., wheat pasta). Moreover, fiber takes longer to digest than carbohydrates. 

So, since refined pasta has less fiber and more carbohydrates, it is digested rapidly and makes you feel hungry faster than whole grain pasta. Thus, eating refined pasta can make you eat more and become obese faster. (Source – Healthline)

What does this mean for my hamster?

Just like in the case of humans, refined pasta can make your pet hamster obese too. So, whole grain pasta is obviously the better choice.

Fresh vs. Dried pasta

Many people assume that fresh pasta is healthier than dried pasta because it is more expensive. But it is not actually the case. Fresh pasta and dried pasta are both made from refined flour. But they are two different kinds of pasta made in two different ways.

Fresh pasta is normally made from flour, eggs, and water. Eggs added to the flour make it soft. Once the flour is kneaded into dough, it is pressed under rollers to make it thin. Then, it is cut into noodles. Fresh pasta has a delicate structure and takes a shorter time to cook. But it has a shorter shelf time.

On the other hand, dried pasta is made from flour, salt, and water. The flour used for this purpose is normally firm and can stick together easily. So, once the flour is kneaded into dough, it is pushed through molds. Then it is cut into the different shapes of pasta we are very much accustomed to. After that, it is dried at low temperatures for several days, which allows the moisture in the pasta to evaporate. Since dried pasta has less moisture content, it can be stored for longer periods of time. It takes more time to cook than fresh pasta but can double in size upon boiling. (Source – Kay Nutrition)

But which is better?

Nutritionally, fresh pasta is not that much different from dried pasta. However, since dried pasta doesn’t (normally) have eggs, it is low in protein. But due to the same reason, it has less fat and cholesterol when compared to fresh pasta. On the other hand, it has more carbohydrates.

You can find a nutritional comparison of one serving (56g) of fresh pasta and dry pasta below.

Nutritional composition of fresh pasta for the blog post 'Can hamsters eat pasta?'
Fresh pasta (Source: Amazon)
Nutritional composition of dried pasta
Dried pasta (Source: Amazon)

So, while fresh pasta may appear like the healthier version, it has more cholesterol and sodium content. So, dry pasta would be the better choice for your hamster.

Raw vs. cooked pasta

Can hamsters eat raw pasta?

Hamsters can eat raw as well as cooked pasta. But hamsters belong to the rodent family whose incisors (front teeth) grow constantly. So, they like to nibble on anything to sharpen their teeth. And raw pasta, which is harder than cooked pasta, perfectly suits that purpose. Hence, hamsters may like raw pasta more than cooked pasta. But try feeding your hamster raw pasta one day and cooked pasta the next day to find out which one he likes. If he likes one more than the other, stick with it. If he doesn’t like either of them, don’t feed pasta again.

How much pasta can I feed my hamster?

Even if your hamster likes pasta, it is important to remember that it is not what your hamster would eat in a natural habitat. So, feed pasta only in moderation. If not, your hamster might become obese or develop diabetes. And for pets like hamsters which like to run and play a lot, either of these conditions might prove deadly. So, pasta can only be used as an occasional treat. It cannot replace a balanced diet with lots of nutrients, like fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

What to do if my hamster doesn’t like pasta?

Each hamster is different and has his own likes and dislikes. So, if your hamster doesn’t seem to like pasta the first time you feed him, don’t feed it again.

Side effects of pasta

Like anything, feeding your hamsters too much pasta can be dangerous. It can:

1. Cause diabetes.

2. Make your hamster feel full sooner, preventing him from eating other food items and thereby miss out on important nutrients.

3. Increase the risk of developing heart disease.

4. Increase blood pressure.

5. Make your hamster obese. (Source: Eat This, Not That)

6. Cause dehydration because of its salt content.

So, feed your hamster only a moderate amount of pasta. If your hamster starts to show any symptoms after eating pasta, take your pet to a veterinary doctor.

Different types of hamsters vs. pasta

Can all types of hamsters eat pasta? If so, how much pasta can they eat? Continue reading and find out.

Can Chinese hamsters eat pasta?

 Yes, Chinese hamsters can eat pasta. But only in moderation.

Can Campbell hamsters eat pasta?

Campbell hamsters drink water more frequently than other types of hamsters. So, they are less likely to be dehydrated due to the salt found in pasta. Therefore, Campbell hamsters are the safest to feed pasta.

Can Djungarian hamsters eat pasta?

Djungarian hamsters are smaller compared to many other types of hamsters. So, pasta can easily make them obese or cause diabetes. Therefore, if you really want to feed them pasta, keep the amount very low.

Can Roborovski hamsters eat pasta?

Among all the hamsters, Roborovski hamsters are the smallest. So, even though they are great runners, as in the case of Djungarian hamsters, it would be wise to keep the pasta in their diet extremely limited.

Can Syrian hamsters eat pasta?

Among all the hamsters, Syrian hamsters are the largest. So, you can feed them pasta without worrying much about their health. But then, feeding too much can make them obese and reduce their life expectancy. So, feed only in moderation (Source: Animal Hype).


Can hamsters eat sphagetti?

Yes, just like any other type of pasta, hamsters can eat spaghetti too. But make sure that you go for whole grain spaghetti since it is healthier than normal refined white spaghetti.


Which is better?

Refined pasta or Whole grain pasta? – Whole grain pasta

Fresh pasta or dried pasta? – Dried pasta

Raw pasta or cooked pasta? – Raw pasta

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