An egg is an amazing food item. Most people think that eggs are a great source of protein. But eggs are not only a source of protein; they also contain several essential vitamins and minerals that are important for the proper functioning of the body. However, I don’t have to elaborate on that because you already know that eggs are beneficial to the health of humans. But what about hamsters? Are eggs beneficial for their health as well? Can hamsters eat eggs? If hamsters can eat eggs, how should you serve eggs to them – Boiled, Fried, or Scrambled? How much egg can you give your hamster?
You will find answers to all these questions in this blog post. So keep reading.
- Nutrients in Eggs
- Are eggs safe for hamsters?
- Different types of hamsters vs. Eggs
- Are eggs healthy for hamsters?
- Can hamsters eat raw eggs?
- Can hamsters eat eggshells?
- Can hamsters eat egg whites?
- Can hamsters eat egg yolk?
- Can hamsters eat boiled eggs?
- Can hamsters eat fried eggs?
- Can hamsters eat scrambled eggs?
- Can hamsters eat egg-fried rice?
- Can hamsters eat egg noodles?
- Can hamsters eat duck eggs?
- How to feed eggs to your hamster?
- Summary
Nutrients in Eggs
Before we go any further, let’s look at the nutrients 100g of raw eggs contain.
(Source: Fat Secret)
Are eggs safe for hamsters?
Health benefits of egg
1. Egg contains a vital nutrient called Choline (Vitamin B4). Choline is needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain and the creation of cell membranes. Inadequate intake of Choline can cause fatty liver, muscle damage, neurological disorders, etc. (Source: PubMed). But consumption of eggs may prevent these problems because egg yolk is one of the most concentrated sources of this important nutrient.
2. Egg raises the amount of good cholesterol called HDL in the body. A higher amount of HDL reduces the risk of stroke and other heart diseases (Source: Healthline).
3. Eggs are rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.
4. Eggs also contain Vitamin A, which keeps the eyes and the immune system healthy.
5. Eggs are very filling. They score high on the satiety index, which tells how likely a food is to increase fullness and reduce appetite upon consumption (Source: Healthline). So, if your hamster eats eggs, he will feel full for a long time. This keeps him from overeating and gaining weight.
6. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. But they are not only a good source of protein; they are also an excellent source of amino acids because they contain essential amino acids in the right amount. These amino acids can help the body make full use of the protein present in eggs. Thus, eggs can help build muscle while keeping weight under check (Source: PubMed). They can also increase the body’s ability to retain calcium, thereby making the bones stronger (Source: PubMed).
7. Some eggs may contain omega-3 fatty acids. If hens are fed omega-3 enriched foods, the eggs they lay will also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce the risk of heart diseases.
8. Eggs also contain minerals like iron and calcium. The body needs iron to produce two important proteins – Hemoglobin, which is present in red blood cells and carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body, and Myoglobin, which provides oxygen to muscles (Source: National Institutes of Health, USA). Sufficient intake of iron protects your hamster from anemia, which is fairly common in hamsters. The body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones and teeth. Calcium is needed for other bodily functions. If sufficient calcium is not consumed through diet, the body starts taking calcium from the bones and teeth, thus making them weaker. But eggs can prevent that by providing your hamster’s body the calcium it needs.
Eggs might be a great source of proteins and several other nutrients. Yet, you shouldn’t give eggs too often to your hamster because it might lead to the following problems.
1. Eggs contain cholesterol. Even though the cholesterol found in eggs can increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body, feeding too many eggs can be dangerous, causing a string of diseases, including cancer and diabetes.
2. Since eggs contain cholesterol, feeding too much of it can make your hamster obese and might also cause heart problems and heart disease (Source: Hamster home).
3. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. But if too many eggs are consumed, the protein content can add up and damage the kidneys (Source: ABP).
4. Eggs may contain a bacteria called salmonella. So, eggs should be properly cooked. If not, salmonella can enter your hamster’s body and cause stomach-related problems like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
5. Since eggs are sticky by nature, they can stick to your hamster’s throat, resulting in choking.
Different types of hamsters vs. Eggs
There are different breeds of hamsters. So, even though hamsters can eat eggs, the amount of eggs a hamster can eat depends on the species he belongs to. Therefore, let’s take a look at how much egg each of the five pet hamster species can eat.
Can Chinese dwarf hamsters eat eggs?
Yes, Chinese dwarf hamsters can eat eggs. But as the name indicates, they are small hamsters. So, you shouldn’t give them too much egg. About a quarter of a teaspoon of egg per week should be more than enough (Source: Just Hamsters). But if you give the entire amount in one serving, your hamster will feel full and won’t have any place left in his stomach for other food items. So, give very small servings of eggs throughout the week, maybe on alternate days, so that your hamster can have a varied diet while enjoying the health benefits of eggs.
Can Campbell dwarf hamsters eat eggs?
Just like Chinese hamsters, Campbell hamsters are also dwarf hamsters. So, they can eat about a quarter of a teaspoon of egg per week. But as in the case of Chinese hamsters, don’t give the entire amount in one serving.
Can Winter White hamsters eat eggs?
Yes, Winter White hamsters can also eat eggs. But since they are tiny, just like the other dwarf hamsters, they can only be given 1/4th of a teaspoon of egg per week. But this amount shouldn’t be given in a single serving.
Can Roborovski hamsters eat eggs?
Roborovski hamsters are the smallest hamster species. So, just like the other dwarf hamsters, they can also eat only 1/4th of a teaspoon of egg per week. But this amount shouldn’t be given in a single meal.
Can Syrian hamsters eat eggs?
Yes, Syrian hamsters can eat eggs. The Syrian hamster is the largest pet hamster species. So, Syrian hamsters can eat more food when compared to dwarf hamsters. So, they can eat about half a teaspoon of eggs every week. But you shouldn’t feed the entire amount in a single meal.
Are eggs healthy for hamsters?
Eggs are healthy for your hamster when fed in the right amount. They contain a lot of nutrients your hamster’s body needs in the right amount. So, they are healthy for hamsters. Especially for pregnant hamsters, which need a lot of energy to give birth, eggs are a perfect food item.
Can hamsters eat raw eggs?
No, you should never give your hamsters raw eggs. Raw eggs can contain bacteria like Salmonella, E.Coli, etc. So, if your hamster eats raw eggs, it can cause problems like stomach upset, diarrhea, etc. So, you should only give your hamster properly cooked eggs.
Can hamsters eat eggshells?
Eggshells are made of calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is a compound that is available as a tablet and often prescribed by doctors for people with calcium deficiency, i.e., it can increase the amount of calcium in the body (Source: RO Health company). When present in adequate amounts, calcium can reduce the risk of kidney stones. But when present in excess, it can increase the risk of kidney stones and even lead to kidney failure. Moreover, eggshells can also damage your hamster’s mouth and throat because it is sharp. So, you should never give your hamster eggshells.
Can hamsters eat egg whites?
Egg whites are a great healthy treat for your hamster. So, you can give him egg whites. But as mentioned before, you should properly cook the egg before giving it to your hamster.
Can hamsters eat egg yolk?
Giving egg whites to hamsters is not a problem. But egg yolk contains a lot of fat and cholesterol. So, egg yolks should only be fed sparingly to hamsters (Source: Tiny pet tales). It should also be adequately cooked.
Can hamsters eat boiled eggs?
Yes, hamsters can eat boiled eggs. But you shouldn’t add salt or pepper to boiled eggs. You shouldn’t overfeed your hamster with eggs, either.
Can hamsters eat fried eggs?
Fried eggs might taste better than boiled eggs. But the oil, salt, and/or butter you add while frying eggs can cause a lot of health problems for hamsters. So, never give your hamster fried eggs. A comparison of the nutrients in 100g of hard-boiled, fried, and scrambled eggs is given below. You can notice that, frying increases the amount of cholesterol and sodium in eggs when compared to other methods of cooking. (Please note that the nutritional content can differ from these tables based on the additives you use. )
(Source: Fat Secret)
(Source: Fat Secret)
(Source: Fat Secret)
Can hamsters eat scrambled eggs?
Scrambled eggs can be a great, delicious, healthy treat for your hamster. So, yes, you can give scrambled eggs to your hamster. You can also add other healthy fresh fruits and vegetables to scrambled eggs. It would be a healthy meal for your hamster.
But the scrambled eggs you give your hamster should be plain. You shouldn’t add anything like butter, oil, salt, or pepper while preparing scrambled eggs for your hamster.
Can hamsters eat egg-fried rice?
Egg fried rice can contain a lot of additives, like oil, sauce, etc., which can be harmful to your hamster. So, you should never give your hamster egg-fried rice.
Can hamsters eat egg noodles?
Just like egg fried rice, egg noodles can also contain additives that can be dangerous to your hamster. So, never give your hamster egg noodles.
Can hamsters eat duck eggs?
Yes, hamsters can eat duck eggs. Just like chicken eggs, duck eggs are also highly nutritious. So, you can give your hamster properly cooked duck eggs. But make sure you give your hamster only the recommended amount.
How to feed eggs to your hamster?
Buy only organic eggs for your hamster. Organic eggs are laid by chickens that are fed only organic food, i.e., food which consists only of ingredients grown without the use of herbicides, pesticides, and commercial fertilizers (Source: WebNews21). Other types of eggs can be harmful to your hamster because the eggs laid by hens that eat non-organic food can contain chemicals from the food they eat. So, they can be harmful to your hamster. Therefore, only buy organic eggs for your hamster.
Once you have bought the right type of eggs, the next important step is to cook them using the right method. Boiling and frying are the only methods you can use to cook eggs for your hamster. While frying, you shouldn’t add anything like oil, butter, salt, or pepper, because they can all be harmful to your hamster.
Once the eggs are properly cooked, feed your hamster the right amount of eggs. Mix it with fresh foods like fresh vegetables and fruits in the right amount so that you don’t overfeed your hamster.
Eggs are healthy food for hamsters. They offer several health benefits to our furry friends.
1. Eggs contain a significant amount of protein and amino acids, which help build muscles while keeping heart problems at bay.
2. Eggs contain essential minerals like calcium and iron that keep your hamster’s teeth and bones healthy and prevent diseases like anemia.
3. Eggs contain Vitamin A and antioxidants that protect your hamster’s vision and boost his immune system.
4. Eggs increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body. So, they prevent heart problems.
But even though eggs are very healthy for your hamster, you shouldn’t overfeed them. Syrian hamsters can eat only half a teaspoon of egg per week, and dwarf hamsters can eat only a quarter of a teaspoon of egg per week. You should never feed your hamster more than this amount of eggs. If you overfeed eggs to your hamster, it can cause a string of problems like heart diseases, obesity, kidney stones, kidney failure, etc. Moreover, you should only serve boiled or scrambled eggs, and that too, without any additives. You should never feed your hamster eggshells either.